NFTs of Blockchain Gaming: KOGs on WAX 1st Edition '8-Bit' Collection

Ultra-Rare ‘8-Bitcoin’ KOG with Console Gray Border

A few days before the sale of 1st Edition KOGs on WAX NFTs, this collectors’ guide went live. But the world had no way of knowing actual figures until after the 3-hour sales window closed forever.

In other words, this series goes deeper into specific KOGs details. And by the time it’s over, we’ll have examined 112 different non-fungible tokens. But instead of making an enormous post that makes you scroll down a squillion times, this series divides the entire collection into 9 distinct sets.

KOGs Starter Packs contain 25 KOGs, and Booster Packs include 6?—?both are (maybe) still selling on AtomicHub. With a total of 6622 and 6183 respective packs sold or reserved for giveaways, only 202, 648 1st Edition KOGs NFTs will ever exist.

Now that packs are tearing open?—?58% so far?—?and NFTs are minting to the WAX Blockchain, the secondary market is taking shape.

Amassing 1 of all 3,414 1st Edition KOGs is a challenge for even the most active collectors! How will you even know what piques your interest without a first-hand look?

Well, that’s what this 9-part series is all about.

Part 1: 1st Edition Slammers

Part 2: Staff Collection

Glorious Retro Pixelation

The KOGs 8-Bit collection harkens back to an era when video games couldn’t help being blurry. But back then, those graphics were cutting-edge and entirely acceptable as the newest tech.

Although nowadays we expect far more from our pixels, it’s important to remember how we got here and how far we’ve come.

Gamepads on home consoles once consisted of Start, Select, A, and B buttons, plus a basic directional pad. No shoulder buttons or dual-joystick gameplay. It was just you, maybe some friends or siblings, and blocky characters scrolling from left to right across your minuscule TV.

do dedoot doot doot doot

Some say the simplistic nature of past games makes them better than our hypercomplex modern-day offerings. But the beauty of video games?—?just like blockchains?—?is that they’re made of everlasting code.

So long as you have a match between hardware and software, you‘re free to play any video game until you can play no more. In other words, no matter if you enjoy today’s Fortnite, or the home console version of Super Mario Bros. from 1985, choices in gameplay options are infinite.

And the KOGs 8-Bit set is here to celebrate its undying love for classic gaming! Bear in mind that no KOG has more or less in-game power than any other KOG. But the 8-Bit collection still wants to activate your sense of nostalgia and imagination.

15 Assorted 8-Bit Goodies

Of the three sets we examined so far, the KOGs 8-Bit collection has the highest NFT count.

Community-powered data courtesy of Anders and Pineapple Pete

Fittingly, the first KOG in this set represents the first cryptocurrency in the world?—?Bitcoin …

KOG #11: Ultra-Rare 8-Bitcoin

As the series’ rarest, the 8-Bitcoin has the premium borders that collectors are swooning over.

Foil Ultra-Rare ‘8-Bitcoin’ with Jeweled Earth Border

Like the Ultra-Rare ‘8 Ball’ and ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ Slammers, 8-Bitcoin comes in these flavors:

Border Types

  • Cerulean Sky?—?black, blue, snow
  • Console Gray?—?white, black, gray
  • Digital Dawn?—?black, maroon, gold
  • Jeweled Earth?—?tan, maroon, black
  • Neon?—?purple, pink, blue
  • Peach Dreams?—?gray, black, pink
  • Pineapple?—?black, yellow, green
  • Royal Orange?—?black, purple, orange
  • Scorched Earth?—?black, olive, pumpkin
  • Sirens?—?black, red, blue
  • Striped Amber?—?brown, orange, black
  • Sunset?—?red, pink, purple, blue
Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24

KOG #12: Rare Red Fox

The Red Fox KOG hatched from a spotted egg and is the official mascot of the 1st Edition. Sometimes elusive and shy, this canine is finally on full display.

Rare ‘Red Fox (3/3)’ KOG with Black Border #15

As the only Rare KOG in the 8-Bit set, the Red Fox NFT is genuinely one of a kind.

Border Types: #13–18

Border Colors

  • Black
  • Blood Orange
  • Pink
  • White
Standard Variations: 24
Foil Variations: 24
Total Variations: 48
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 72

Uncommon 8-Bit KOGs

Now that we’re in a new category of rarity, the border styles and colors are changing again:

Uncommon Border Types

  • #19–21

Uncommon Border Colors

  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Teal
  • Yellow

First up for the Uncommon tier is part 2 of the 3-part Red Fox subset …

KOG #13: Cracked Egg (2/3)

Before the Rare Red Fox became an adult, it emerged from its shell to greet the world. And thankfully, an attentive artist was on hand to capture the moment.

Uncommon ‘Cracked Egg (2/3)’ KOG with Red Border #19

Almost there, little hatchling! You can learn to run after you figure out how to walk. And maybe one day you’ll fly.

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 102

KOG #14: Gamepad

The Gamepad KOG is a true hybrid at the crossroads of old and new. The art style invokes nostalgia, while the controller design resembles the Xbox era.

Uncommon ‘Gamepad’ KOG with Teal Border #20

I spy what looks to be a single joystick and not one, but two d-pads on the same side?—?which makes for a ridonkulous gamepad and an ideal representation of the ultra-unrealism found only in video games.

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 132

KOG #15: Bao

Please don’t mistake it for an onion; the Boa KOG represents a delicious steamed bun. Now, if you’ve ever had one, you know exactly what this KOG portrays.

Uncommon ‘Bao’ KOG with Purple Border #21

All this talk of hot Boa buns is making me hungry. Is it dinner time yet?

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 162

KOG #16: Ring

A certain blue hedgehog’s in-game collectible makes its blockchain-powered return as the Ring KOG.

Uncommon ‘Ring’ KOG with Orange Border #19

If you had a Sega Genesis back in the day, you rapidly snagged at least a squillion of these golden circles.

Standard Variations: 15
Foil Variations: 15
Total Variations: 30
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 192

Common 8-Bit KOGs

Once again, we’re switching up border colors and layouts for the Common category. Last time for this set, though!

Common Border Types: #22–24

Common Border Colors

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Light Blue
  • Turquoise

KOG #17: Swords

You can’t hear the clash of digital steel, but the Swords KOG accurately symbolizes an 8-bit warriors’ weapon of choice.

Common ‘Swords’ KOG with Blue Border #22

Don’t embark on an epic quest through the well-mapped wilderness without a pair of sharp blades!

Standard Variations: 12

Foil Variations: 12

Total Variations: 24

All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 216

KOG #18: Treasure Chest

The ultimate prize for those BRAVE enough to slog through dungeons, the Treasure Chest KOG safeguards shiny untold wonders.

Common ‘Treasure Chest’ KOG with Green Border #23

You may encounter a chest resting on the floor in plain sight. What luck! But powerful magic clamps its lid tight, opening only for those possessing the golden key.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 240

KOG #19: Pizza

Pop the lid and grab a slice of Pizza KOG. Rumor has it that these pies are baked daily in the fires beneath Mt. RFOX.

Common ‘Pizza’ KOG with Light Blue Border #24

Although pizza is one of the worst things you can put in your body, it’s one of the most delicious foods your taste buds are craving.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 264

KOG #20: Heart

8-bit gaming's hearts can indicate how much life’s left in your character’s tank. And once the love runs out, it’s game over.

Foil Common ‘Heart’ KOG with Turquoise Border #22

A staple of many a 2d-sidescroller, the Heart KOG makes for a timeless classic.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 288

KOG #21: HP

Once your in-game hearts begin depleting, take a sip of your HP KOG to get those hit points rising again.

Common ‘HP’ KOG with Blue Border #23

No adventurer’s cache is complete without an ample supply of HP potions.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 312

KOG #22: MP

Brethren of the HP potion, the MP KOG puts the magic back in your pixelated wizard’s staff.

Common ‘MP’ KOG with Green Border #24

Ax-wielding conquerers have no use for the MP KOG, but spell-casters never leave home without them.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 336

KOG #23: Coin

Brothers who plumb know all about the Coin KOG?—?seeing as how both collect them as a side hustle while traveling across time and galaxies to save the fruity princess.

Common ‘Coin’ KOG with Light Blue Border #22

Stash an overflowing pile of Coin KOGs to make your digital wallet go ka-clink!

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 360

KOG #24: Dragon

A resident of MT. RFOX’s fiery depths, the Dragon KOG is known to emerge from the flames with impeccable timing.

Common ‘Dragon’ KOG with Turquoise Border #23

When you’re just about to land that well-timed jump, a Dragon appears out of nowhere to prevent you from reaching the platform.

Standard Variations: 12
Foil Variations: 12
Total Variations: 24
All 8-Bit KOG Variations Running Total: 384

KOG #25: Egg (1/3)

Coming around full circle (oval?) to the back of the 8-Bit set is the Egg KOG. The rugged, spotted shell will eventually unleash a real rarity.

Common ‘Egg (1/3)’ KOG with Blue Border #24

Going from Common to Uncommon to Rare, the first of the 3-part subset was undoubtedly raised among the proper conditions in which to thrive.

Standard Variations: 12

Foil Variations: 12

Total Variations: 24

Total 1st Edition ‘8-Bit’ Combinations Across All 15 Designs: 408

Wrapping Up

The KOGs 8-Bit collection encapsulates an era of wonder in discovery. Video games, and especially home consoles, were just beginning their surge in popularity.

The upcoming KOGs games will see players pit their NFTs against one another in tournaments and online battles. And the Common rarities are bound to be the frontline soldiers.

Now that you’re familiar with 1st Edition Slammers, the Staff collection, and the 8-Bit series, we’ll continue with KOG #26?—?the ‘Space Military’ set. See you back here soon!

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