[nairobi hackathon: april 8-10, 2022] africa gears up for the inaugural blockchain gender hackathon

first blockchain gender hackathon in Africa, co-hosted by  Harmony, will occur from April 8 – 10, 2022 at iHub, Nairobi.

Developers participating in the hackathon will create blockchain-based solutions that address gender issues in today’s society. The event will gather developers, gender experts, idea generators, and technical experts to design and build digital tools, apps, and products that can improve gender parity on the continent.

A panel discussion with gender experts in the area will take place during the event’s opening hours. The discussion will shed light on root issues in gender equality and encourage the development of viable solutions.

SEE ALSO[WATCH] Solving Ethereum Scalability Challenges with ZK-Rollups in Africa – A Chat with Antoni, Enterprise Lead, Polygon

Collaborative Work

Polygon is a blockchain company that provides scalability solutions.

Polygon is committed to creating solutions that directly and positively impact people’s lives. The team believes in collaborating with diverse groups across diverse areas to identify critical issues. Through this process, sustainable solutions are developed from the ground up, resulting in true social impact and positive change.

Currently, Polygon is exploring solutions related to:

  • Unbanked individuals
  • Community tokens
  • Product traceability

Through collaboration, communities can demonstrate their multi-faceted strengths and bring out the varied interests of every member.

Polygon has teamed up with Harmony Africa DAO, a self-organized group promoting blockchain in Africa, to maximize the impact of the hackathon.

Speaking on behalf of the Africa DAO, Rael Kilonzo, said they are using Kenya as the testing ground for blockchain adoption on the continent because of the country’s unique cultural attributes. The Africa DAO is fostering community participation amongst crypto enthusiasts so they can build technological solutions for local problems and educate regulators on the benefits of creating sound legal certainties around blockchain.    

Polygon and Harmony hope events such as the hackathon will allow young leaders to gain first-hand experience with blockchain technology and inspire them to explore blockchain solutions. Such experiences can lead to solutions in crucial areas of financial inclusion, identity, education, healthcare, traceability, and more.

Likely Beneficiaries

The hackathon invites blockchain enthusiasts and individuals with beginning to advanced coding skills to participate.

Participants are expected to attend all three days and bring a laptop with them. Participants can team up in groups, with a maximum of five individuals, or work individually.

Mentors from Polygon, Harmony and development experts will provide participants with Web3 coaching and guidance on idea development. This exciting environment offers the perfect setting for exchanging knowledge between Kenyan experts and Polygon and Harmony teams.

Emerging Kenyan developers will gain valuable training and networking opportunities, ultimately boosting their CV levels. Winners will walk away with prizes worth $2, 500 and 30-day mentorship programs vouchers facilitated by relevant experts from the Africa Gathering network.   

Local Partnerships

Polygon and the Harmony Africa DAO are keen to enlist local corporations as a major driving force behind creating social impact through blockchain solutions.

Sponsoring the hackathon is a great way to collaborate with large players to increase the impact of efforts. All stakeholders will benefit from sponsorships as each can provide services during the event and market their businesses to the growing crypto community.   

The event expects between 100 and 150 participants with the burning desire to solve problems that women grapple with in today’s society.

Event organizers have already registered over 120 participants, with more than a quarter being women.

Apply here to participate.

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