Metaverse Land in Decentraland Ahead of Bored Apes – Top 10 NFT Sales

Bored Apes completely took over the top 10 NFT sales chart for last week, but the number one position goes to the virtual world Decentraland. With 6 entries, the Bored Ape NFT collection comprises 60% of the top 10 sales recorded in the past seven days. Importantly, this happens on the backdrop of a complete disappearance for the other usual suspects in the ranking, CryptoPunks. 

While BAYC dominates in numbers, the top sale for the past seven days comes from Decentraland. The Dragon City Estate sold for just under $1 million. The virtual land plot is now stored in a wallet containing nothing but Uniswap V3 Positions NFTs

Aside from the Decentraland estate, last week’s top sales include an Azuki NFT and Twin Flames #67. Azuki is steadily gaining traction and recognition in the NFT space, and the collection has started generating top-grossing sales On the other hand, Twin Flames is part of Justin Aversano’s series of 100 photographs turned to NFTs, depicting sets of twin siblings. 

Finally, and definitely worth mentioning, the fourth NFT that is not part of the BAYC collection is Al Capone. Interestingly, Al Capone is part of the Gangster Punks collection on BINANCE Smart Chain. The NFT switched owners for 1,111 WBNB, or about $442,340 at the time of the sale. 

Top 10 NFT Sales – Week 7 / Feb 14 – Feb 20

  1. Dragon City Estate – $938,700 / 315,000 MANAbuyer’s wallet
  2. Bored Ape Yacht Club #8353 – $562,790 / 200 WETHbuyer’s wallet
  3. Bored Ape Yacht Club #3671 – $498,080 / 165 ETHbuyer’s wallet
  4. Al Capone – $442,340 / 1,111 WBNBbuyer’s wallet
  5. Bored Ape Yacht Club #1391 – $431,250 / 153.66 ETH – buyer’s wallet
  6. Azuki #4841 – $399,410 / 150 ETH – buyer’s wallet
  7. Twin Flames #67. Craig & Carey Smith – $398,640 / 130 WETH – buyer’s wallet
  8. Bored Ape Yacht Club #3771 – $387,610 / 125 WETH – buyer’s wallet
  9. Bored Ape Yacht Club #6583 – $380,610 / 121 WETH – buyer’s wallet
  10. Bored Ape Yacht Club #3280 – $370,790 / 117.99 ETH – buyer’s wallet

Bored Apes rule the NFT space

The Bored Apes NFT collection has once again proven its dominance over the NFT space. The collection has been a constant presence in top sales charts since last year when it started gaining traction among NFT collectors. 

This week, the top-grossing Bored Ape sale was BAYC #8353. The NFT switched owners for 200 WETH, or about $562,790. Impressively, this is only the second sale for the NFT since it was first minted 10 months ago. The seller bagged 92 ETH in profit, or about $249,738.

Aside from BAYC #8535, last week’s top 10 NFT sales include five more ape NFTs. It’s worth noting that all of these sales had a price tag above 117 ETH, the cheapest switching owners for $317,602. Currently, the floor price of the Bored Apes collection is 94 ETH, or about $255,167.

DappRadar will continue monitoring the NFT space as blue chip collections like Bored Ape Yacht Club continue to attract top-grossing sales. To find out the latest sales data in the space, check out DappRadar PRO. PRO gives you access to the most detailed information regarding on-chain NFT sales. Additionally, you can check out the links below to view the top three NFT sales of the past 24 hours.