MarbleCards - 5 Free Cards for New Users

With projects like NBA Top Shot exploding in recent weeks NFTs have been catapulted to the forefront of the crypto space and mainstream adoption is edging ever closer. 

What is MarbleCards?

MarbleCards takes NFTs to a new level by allowing users to curate a collection of cards obtained by 'marbling' URLs. Each URL can only be marbled once, and each marbling pattern is unique, so every MarbleCard created is truly one of a kind.

After creating cards users can battle or vote in the Arena - a Tinder-style platform that allows users to choose the best card from a pair presented. Voting and battling in the Arena allows users to earn RMBC, which can, in turn, be used to remarble cards, or can be withdrawn to MBC.


MarbleCards has an active and welcoming community, and with a move to Matic in 2020 MarbleCards is well-positioned for growth in 2021.

How can I get my five free MarbleCards?

Until the 14th of February 2021 new users can create five free MarbleCards by following the steps below:

  • Join the MarbleCards Discord using the following link
  • MarbleCards is on Matic so in Metamask, click on the “Main Ethereum Network” dropdown at the top, then on “Custom RPC” and enter the following info:
    • RPC URL:
    • ChainID: 137
    • Symbol: MATIC
    • Block Explorer URL:
  • Create an account on
  • Create up to five cards (cards cost 40 Matic each)
  • The cost of each card will be reimbursed in Matic following the promotional period

What if I need help?

New users who join the MarbleCards Discord using the link above can DM me (Smeedance) for help using Matic or for any other support.