Lition and lawpilots blockchain-verified certificate app goes live

Lition, a scalable public-private blockchain with deletable data features made for commercial products, and lawpilots, an e-learning marketplace founded by consultants and lawyers with the mission to prepare all employees for the legal challenges of digitization, last May partnered to explore the application of blockchain technology in legal tech.

Now, Lition and lawpilots have announced the first functional test version of their application, which opens up an additional modern and safe way to verify the e-learning provider’s certificates. This is made possible using blockchain technology by storing cryptographic hashes on thousands of distributed servers worldwide. This approach guarantees data integrity while preserving data privacy.

Public testing is available for viewing at

The app allows course participants to upload their certificates on the blockchain.

lawpilots is Europe’s leading e-learning expert in the legal and regulatory realm. The interactive e-learning provider trains employees from public institutions and corporates like Mazda, Konica-Minolta, and Doppelmayr. With lawpilots’ relevant online training, employees develop sustainable awareness in data protection, compliance, information security, occupational safety, and health. lawpilots’ e-learning certificates are issued in the form of downloadable PDF files.

Going forward, Lition and lawpilots will be working jointly on an improvement phase where the upload happens automatically on request. In addition, they are evaluating a roll-out to an associated law firm of lawpilots. Once the product is market-ready Lition will allocate efforts to further develop the business with other firms within the certificate industry.

Lition’s Technology

A benefit of Lition’s technology is that the blockchain can be used in a GDPR compliant way, which helps prevent data corruption and privacy problems.

To reach this goal, Lition has developed a deletability feature permitting the ability to either apply an expiration date to the certificate or delete the document upon request. As of today, this is not standard on a regular blockchain infrastructure. So far, Lition has already realized energy and banking use-cases. This marks the third commercial use-case that runs on Lition blockchain technology.

Certificates are not only relevant for e-learning providers but also in many other fields that contain sensitive data, such as transcripts or university degrees. Lition plans to actively engage with additional organizations that are willing to take steps in this innovative direction.