Investing in Cryptocurrency; is it Good Idea?

Cryptocurrency is a name used to refer to virtual currency. The virtual money is secured from theft using a technique called cryptography hence the name cryptocurrency. Cryptography makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit the virtual cash or double spend it. The cryptocurrency market is one of the fastest-growing worldwide. There are currently over 5000 cryptocurrencies in the market today. As there is no centralized system that issue crypto; cryptocurrency isn’t prone to interference or manipulation from the government or any other organization.

Like any other investment, Cryptocurrency has its risks which is why you should diversify your investments. Buying into different cryptocurrencies is the best way to minimize any risk and improve returns.

How Can You Tell Which Crypto Coin to Buy?

Choosing the right Cryptocurrency can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have an investment expert to guide you. Getting the right Cryptocurrency in your investment portfolio can make the difference between earning just a few dollars to scoring millions of dollars in investment returns. Here are a few tips on how to pick out a few good coins to invest in.

· Choose the Less Volatile Crypto Coins.

Volatility is a mathematical term that refers to the measure of price movements over a given period. In Cryptocurrency, you want to choose a coin that maintains a relatively even price range. Volatile currencies tend to shift abruptly in prices which can lead to losses. Cryptocurrency volatility is highly dependent on daily trading volume and general market volatility. Some traders believe Bitcoin is one of the most volatile currencies in the market, yet it shows the most promise in making the best returns on investment which is why it is referred to as the king of Cryptocurrency.

· Pick a Coin that is Easy to Store and Trade.

Once you have invested in a crypto coin, you will need to start trading on it after finding a safe place to store it. Cryptocurrency is stored in a digital wallet for the user to access and from any location. Your Cryptocurrency should be safely secured using the latest security technology to avoid getting lost, stolen, or manipulated in any way. In addition, you need coins that are relatively easy to trade with few to no restrictions.

· Choose the Right Category of Coins.

There are various types of cryptocurrencies today. Each one of them has its advantages and disadvantages. You can solicit the help of an investment expert to gain insight into the best crypto coin for your investment portfolio. Here are a few examples of different cryptocurrencies you may be interested in;

  • Bitcoin
  • Nexo
  • Altcoins
  • Tokens
  • Litecoin
  • Ethereum
  • Binance coin
  • Basic Attention Token
  • Monero (XMR)
  • Beam
  • Neo

Advantages of Investing in Cryptocurrency

Here are a few advantages of investing in Cryptocurrency

  1. Infinite privacy- Your identity is well protected instead of traditional cash investments, where your history is open for review.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness:Transaction fees tend to be more manageable compared to actual cash transactions.
  3. A simple decentralized system:This system of operations ensures no organization has complete autonomy over the crypto.


When it comes to Cryptocurrency, safety is paramount. You want to keep your coin as safe as possible because a recognized government body does not regulate the market, meaning if you lose your money or login information, you might not get it back. It is also important to be on the alert for scammers who might trick you into giving out your login credentials. Talk to your investment adviser about the risks and benefits involved in the cryptocurrency industry. Once you have weighed the options, you may realize it is a great move to invest in Cryptocurrency.

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