Initial Grave Offerings (Our First Pools)

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We are excited to finally announce our FIRST GRAVE and TOMB OFFERINGS. Upon launch, here are the GRAVES (single asset) and TOMBS (LPs) we will be offering at launch. There are more to come. This document will be updated with any tokenomics related information as it becomes available. 

First GRAVES at Launch

  • RugZombie Token (XXXX)* Only
  • Fairmoon
  • Defi100
  • Monsterslayer Cash
  • Vikingswap
  • Dragonfarm Finance
  • Gorilla Yield
  • Yield Panda

There are MANY more GRAVES to come. Stay tuned for a sneak peak into the NFT rewards for each GRAVE and our tokenomics information. 

First TOMBS at Launch

  • Rug Zombie Token (XXXX)* - BNB

We are beginning with only our LP pairing with BNB to establish initial liquidity and make sure our launch is successful. We will quickly be adding TOMBS after launch but want to ensure a successful first few days. 

*Our token ticker and contract have not yet been released to the public. 

See more about RugZombie in our other posts on Publish0x:

Welcome to RugZombie - An Overview

Utility = Value (and why RugZombie Team are builders)

RugZombie - The Problem & The Solution

RugZombie - Main Features (Part 1) 

RugZombie - Main Features (Part 2) 

Security and Scams (Part 1)

Common Questions and Answers

The information shared in these docs, our roadmap, our lite paper and white paper, and social channels such as this blog, is not financial advice and should not be misconstrued as such. The primary purpose of these documents is to provide potential token holders with pertinent information in order for them to thoroughly analyze the project and make an informed decision. Engaging in cryptocurrency projects involves substantial risk and it is strongly advised that you consult with a financial professional prior to your participation.

These documents do not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment in securities in any jurisdiction.

Neither RugZombie nor any of its contributors or creators shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions concerning this project or for any damage you may suffer from your participation or as a result of failing to seek competent financial advice from a financial professional. This white paper is not in any way intended to create or put into implicit effect any elements of a contractual relationship.