I got hypnotized by the amazing NFT's world

A month ago I wrote my first NFT related content, about how an EnjinCraft and Coincheck backed project is ready to introduce Minecraft into the non-fungible token market. Since than I dived deep into the amazing NFTs world.

I was quite upset that the CoinGecko AxieInfinity Epic NFT was fully redeemed before I could collected 1000 candies but since then I managed to collect some nice NFT tokens.

My first two NFT's are courtesy of my brother, who sent me 2  Garbage Pail Kids. I was collecting this stickers when I was 7 or 8 years old, and this ones brought back some good memories.

Than I seen a Banano NFT Giveaway and gave it a try, hoping that I will win one of the CryptomonKeys. My faith was rewarded with this beauty, the MonkeyDrop.

And this is how I went into full pokemon mode and want to "catch'em all!" and own a great NFT collection. To spice up the things, I made my first NFT. The Harvest Finance Tractor is made by hand and the writing style matches the farming theme. The Harvest Finance NFT is available on Rarible for a limited time, as only 99 were minted and I will start to share them with my friends soon. 

Coingecko finally updated the candy reward tab and a new Lizard NFT is available to claim for 600 candies. The NFT has a farming theme as well, and will be distributed randomly in four variations. 

Links and referrals:

Harvest Finance NFT

Minecraft NFT to storm the world

Coinbase Earn: $50 worth of EOS

Amazon author page: PV Mihalache

Quality Faucets: Stakecube (20 daily faucets)

Tier 4 referral system: Horizen (ZEN) & ZCash from PipeFlare GlobalHive



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