Hyperledger’s new members include Deutsche Bahn, commodities platform

Yesterday enterprise blockchain consortium Hyperledger added an interesting and varied group of new members. They include DB Systel, the technology arm of Deutsche Bahn, Atomyze the commodities securitization platform initiated by NorNickel, and multiple projects with links to public blockchains.

It’s been two years since we first wrote about DB Systel, the digital arm of the Deutsche Bahn railway group. Even then, the company had some surprisingly advanced blockchain solutions, including an energy trading platform to sell excess solar and wind to large B2B customers.

NorNickel is a big fan of blockchain. The Russian company is the world’s largest palladium producer and a significant producer of nickel, platinum and copper. Last year it set up Atomyze by Tokentrust in Switzerland to tokenize commodities using Hyperledger Fabric. And it’s attracted some major commodities traders such as Trafigura.

Bertalan Vecsei, CTO at Atomyze said they plan to “enable them (commodities) to be traded in a simple and secure way, as well as provide accessibility to illiquid markets.”

Two new Hyperledger members, IOHK and IOVLabs, are known for public blockchains. The smaller of the two is IOV Labs, which is associated with the RSK protocol. It has an enterprise blockchain track record following two high profile projects in Argentina for gas distribution giant Gasnor and an interbank settlement solution.

Meanwhile, IOHK is associated with the Cardano blockchain, the public blockchain with a $2 billion market capitalization. IOHK CTO Romain Pellerin said: “IOHK firmly believes that a community’s overall success largely depends on its ability to collaborate. It’s great to be involved in an organization which shares that philosophy and is working towards utilising blockchain to create a better industry, and more open, accessible world.”

In a blog post Pellerin said that it wants to “provide visibility and share components of IOHK’s interoperable framework.” 

The other two new full members are Public Mint and Japan’s Binary Star. Also, Hyperledger added two associate members, the token standards body InterWork Alliance and the Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC).

Image Copyright: Ledger Insights