How to Get $SIS Token by Providing Liquidity

Hello, Symbiotes!

Seen our announcement but are not sure how to provide liquidity?

Especially for you, we have prepared a short guide on how to do it by providing WETH-SIS LP on Arbitrum via Sushiswap.

ETH and WETH are different tokens! WETH is pegged to ETH 1:1.

If you have ETH in the Arbitrum network, you can simply wrap it to WETH 

To provide liquidity on Arbitrum, you first need to add this network to your wallet. You can do this in your wallet by simply copying these details:

Network name: Arb1


Chain ID: 42161

Currency symbol: ETH

Block Explorer URL:

Metamask example

Or you can go to this 

  • Just simply connect your wallet
  • Search “Arbitrum” and click on “Add to Metamask”
  • Approve network change in your Metamask

Next. Go to Sushiswap and connect your wallet.

Important note:

If you follow this link and get an error, you may not have connected Arbitrum network or your wallet on Sushiswap.

Choose amount of SIS and WETH you want to add in liquidity pool.

Approve WETH and SIS and complete transactions in your wallet.

Congrats! You just received your WETH-SIS LP Tokens.

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