Fashion Debuts on the Metaverse

The metaverse is maybe, perhaps, starting to become sort of, kind of, real. That’s the takeaway from the Fashion Week on the Decentraland Metaverse where major global brands and startups alike gave us a glimpse of the present, and potentially the future.

The four day long event had many firsts, including the very first metaverse catwalks in history.

And they were ‘real’ catwalks, in as far as an avatar walks through the stage to showcase the new wear.

This has never been done before, with the show being very captivating while it lasted for about ten minutes.

Yet fashion week was a whole world with shop after digital shop showcasing what was available both in the real world and digitally.

We took a walk through much of it as can be seen above with it being an interesting and a fairly enjoyable experience that most crucially had both the element of surprise and exploration.

Different shops took different approaches. Most however utilized the video and picture medium, as well as the new 3d avatar medium where you can get very close to see the design in detail as well as see how it might look on you.

You can buy them as digital wearables, with most probably having a physical equivalent.

Yet there were plenty more digitally focused as well with different avatars themselves also in display during a very colorful and artistic week.

Digital Fashion on Decentraland Metaverse

Digital fashion in its own genre may have also been born during Fashion Week as startups and more established brands experiment with potentially a new market.

During one of the talks it was mentioned their inbox was full of many brands trying to enter the metaverse, a field that did not exist even two or three years ago.

Yet now it is starting to take some shape, it is starting to become something, with it not very clear yet just what.

But, during the whole Metaverse Fashion Week, one does feel something is happening, a new medium is taking shape.

Because we were introduced to things we wouldn’t have been introduced otherwise.

The museum experience above also shows just how similar to real life a metaverse walkthrough can be.

Closing it all with a 2d video in a 3d boutique by Gary James McQueen that highlights just how brands can potentially reach new audiences.

Overall, as a first of its kind this exceeds expectations in making it a concrete showcase of just what can be done on the Decentraland metaverse even now.

As a first version, there was already plenty to see and enjoy without a second of boredom.

One can thus already see the future potential, and can only imagine what the catwalks of tomorrow will be, as cryptos now eye potentially upgrading even fashion, a field that might seem so far away from bitcoin, and yet runs on ethereum rails.