Ethereum 2.0 v1 Candidate Spec Released

Ethereum 2.0 developers have published the v1.0.0 release candidate 0 of the ethereum 2.0 spec. Danny Ryan, the ethereum 2.0 coordinator, says:

“v1.0.0-rc.0 is a release candidate based on the v1.0-candidate branch/PR in preparation for the v1.0.0 release. Although it is intended to be compatible with the eventual v1.0.0, there is a chance that small incompatibilities are introduced in final configuration selection or if any unexpected issues arise.”

The release of v1 gives the greenlight for the launch of the ethereum 2.0 genesis block which is expected this November.

Before that there’s a second dry run called Zinken which is to start on Monday with the v1 spec then to follow provided all goes well.

The deposit contract is then to follow with this release candidate having as highlight the use of BLSv4 in test vectors.

Once it launches, a minimum of 500,000 eth has to be deposited with the genesis block then automatically launching.

Meaning everything is pretty much at its final stages for the launch of phase zero of ethereum 2.0.

That’s the Proof of Stake (PoS) new blockchain that has some skeleton sharding in allocating stakers for the validation of Proof of Work (PoW) blocks.

Phase 1 is then to follow hopefully next year where data is sharded, with current eth to become shard 0 in phase 1.5.

What happens after is now unclear because ethereum’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin has suggested an approach of phase 1.5 and done, instead of going on to phase 2 where the state is sharded as well.

That phase 2 is still years away, which means little is known about it for now, but what is known is that ethereum is going Proof of Stake.

That was its plan since inception, and now years on, it is finally very close to achieving it with much at final stages for phase 0.