Ethereum 2.0 Testnet Launches Successfully

The ethereum 2.0 testnet is live and running and very healthily so with all going very smoothly today including the pretty efficient time management of the livestream which gave us the above image.

About 2,000 people were watching live at some point and more on the ethstaker discord with the ethereum 2.0 testnet genesis block launched.

Block zero, ethereum 2.0 testnet, August 2020

We think this is the genesis block because it has no parent root and because it’s called block zero with no easter candies here as far as we can see, but a lot of roots which we probably will become a lot more familiar with in the coming weeks and months.

You can see there it has eth1 data, and there’s some guy called Randao as well (randomizer cryptography).

The Graffiti is just the zero address when you switch to hex. That presumably can carry data, with no slashings here as you can see at the bottom of the image.

Epoch zero, ethereum 2.0 testnet, August 2020

Just what exactly this is, will be learned in the coming days and months, but it’s a collection or a checkpoint of sorts of fairly few blocks, 31, that make this epoch zero.

Some missed here. What they missed is not too clear, or what they proposed, but we have a lot attesting to the not missed ones.

So this is ethereum 2.0, the skeleton which contains sharding within it, but it’s only to ‘bundle’ the stakers.

As you can see above there have been three epochs already and 110 blocks, so this is running and moving along.

It is testnet however, there will be rough edges and just how many or how rough can depend on the client so test all five of them out, with Loadstar kind of a new client so we’d pick Prysm, Lighthouse, Nimbus, Teku first in your preferred order.

We’re sure soon enough there will be opinions but bear in mind this is testnet and all the teams are very helpful and quite accessible on discord, so unlike Google support, you might even get the client coders themselves helping you.

So if we were Danny Ryan we’d say break all the things if you can because that’s the whole point of this, and make sure to tell the team even about some comma on gui about every little thing.

And make sure you’re having fun while you doing it because we might as well enjoy all this after two years of hard work.


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