Enhanced Tezos analytics explorer TzStats launches beta version

TzStats, a Tezos (XTZ) analytics explorer, extending the functionality of traditional block explorers with comprehensive data, has announced the official live beta launch version of TzStats.

Just a couple of weeks ago, the TzStats team released an alpha version introducing the TzStats Landing screen, Baker-Account, Market-Overview, and Block-Overview screens. Since then, these features have been cleaned up along with the implementation of a few brand-new screens for accounts, operations, the Tezos governance process and a cycle screen to show consensus-related data, with more on the way.

Screens To Be Released

Below are screens which have yet to be implemented, but will soon be available:

  • Staking: shows staking participation across cycles, the evolution of locked-up capital, roll owners and the number of active bakers/endorsers as well as the cumulative staking capacity of all bakers and their overall efficiency.
  • Analytics: in-depth view on growth, on-chain activity in terms of addresses, volume, fees, and gas as well as a detailed supply breakdown, account activations over time and more.
  • Whales: shows whale domination in Tezos in terms of top-funded accounts, percent of supply controlled, and centralization by the address value

TzStats API

The TzStats API is powered by Blockwatch technology, used both for the blockchain indexer and market crawlers.

The TzStats team says: “We evaluated different indexers for Tezos and finally decided to use our own because we require more comprehensive metrics and a level of performance we could not find elsewhere. Even though our indexers are not open-source, our data and frontend are.”

TzStats grants open API access to all endpoints and a free of charge license to use all data for non-commercial projects. The API design allows comprehensive queries into a large amount of unique and interesting data about Tezos. The team will be publishing comprehensive API documentation shortly.

Future Plans For TzStats

“Since we started working on TzStats two months ago we believe we have delivered an outstandingly powerful tool to the community. Even though our funding from the Tezos Foundation is up, we will keep our backend and frontend operational and up-to-date as long as possible and will add small features to improve your user experience on TzStats.”

– The TzStats Team

Going forward, the TzStats team came up with ways for the Tezos community to get involved:

  • Open Source Contributions: the open-source web frontend is built in React. TzStats is calling on React developers from the Tezos community and from outside to get in touch and help deliver new features.
  • Paid Feature Development: for small- to medium-scale feature requests and new analytics screens it seems viable to run an ongoing crowd-funding campaign where community members can vote and pay for popular new features. Those with a paid feature in mind, are asked to reach out to TzStats.
  • Commercial Data Subscriptions: TzStats has created an enormous amount of clean, well structured on-chain analytical data about Tezos. This data is useful for staking providers, investors, data aggregators, and solution providers in many different ways. The TzStats team invites those looking to obtain a commercial license to use the data to get in touch.
  • Customized Analytics Explorers: the TzStats team has also gathered a great amount of know-how about the Tezos network, blockchain analytics and block explorers in general which makes it less costly and less risky to hire them for implementing custom solutions, those planning new projects can contact TzStats for more information.