Doctor Who: Worlds Apart NFT Online Card Game, Part 1: Brief Intro & Buying Pre-Sale Booster Packs

Doctor Who: Worlds Apart is a new online card game coming soon with pre-sale booster packs currently available for purchase on their website: [referral link]

According to the website's frequently asked questions:

"NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are the next generation of in-game items and collectibles. These items are tokenized with a smart contract and logged on the blockchain. This allows gamers to buy, sell and trade their in-game items or collectibles to other players with an un-hackable record of ownership."

The game creators have made ownership of these digital cards very simple to understand, though we have yet to see how easy it is to trade, buy and sell the cards on their integrated marketplace, coming sometime in 2021. The game itself is expected to launch in the form of a public beta towards the end of this year, and should garner much more attention once we see it in action and can play it ourselves. 

I decided to buy some packs to see what the cards are like, so this initial blog post is to briefly describe the products currently available and show you what the cards look like.

First, as you an see in the image above, there are a few different options for buying booster packs at present. The standard Core pack is $4.99 USD and comes with 5 cards, with "Core Frames", as shown above.  There are more expensive options that include fancier looking frames, priced at $29.99 and $49.99 for 10-card packs.

While these look nice, the cost of entry is a little high for my taste. I chose two Core Packs at $4.99 each, so about $10 USD for 10 cards. I also wanted to get the "Revolution of the Daleks" pack, which comes with 5 guaranteed cards, including the Thirteenth Doctor and Jack Harkness for only $2.99 USD.

By the way, the game creators are located in the UK, so based on my location in the United States, they did not charge sales tax on the purchase of the packs.  I can't yet say whether there will be sales tax charged on sales within the USA (i.e. between two parties in the USA).

There's something else intriguing about frames: Standard "Core Frames" will level up by gaining XP and promote to a higher tier of frame at certain levels, according to the game's website.

The card level up mechanic is described in the image below:

That was a lot of information, and I feel that we've barely scratched the surface yet. Let's skip right to the cards. Below is an image of the cards after I've opened the pack, and they appear in "My Collection": 

As you can see, I got a gold frame card of Psychic Pollen. I got silver frame versions of Transistor Radio and UNIT Scientist. There's also a bronze frame Lesser Pyrovile, and a couple standard frame cards.

If I click on one of the cards, it shows a larger format and I can rotate the card to see the 3D effect of the frame, which is rather neat. I can also see the details of my certificate of ownership, specifically the card ID and the serial number of my copy. For example, my gold frame Psychic Pollen is shown below as it appears on the website: 

For now, that's all I can do with the cards. It doesn't seem like NFT investors have yet flocked to this opportunity based on my relatively low serial numbers, so maybe this is a lesser version of the Top Shots phenomenon. Will we see a healthy marketplace for these cards in the future?

I'll continue to post my thoughts and experiences here on the TCGCollection blog. Thank you for reading!

Referral link for Doctor Who Worlds Apart: 

Written by Michael Ward, March 21 2021

Trading Card Game Collection on YouTube: 




Here's a video from our YouTube channel about the classic Doctor Who Card Game from 1996: