Crypto exchange CoinDCX encourages sub-account network

CoinDCX, a cryptocurrency exchange platform offering over 200 listed coins with up to 5x leverage, recently introduced a sub-accounts tool, which was one of the most requested features from users.

Every account holder with KYC verification is a master account holder on CoinDCX. Master accounts have the option of setting up sub-accounts where they can invite other users to join their network.

As the authority, the master account has sole control over trading, movement of assets and all deposits/withdrawals from the sub-accounts. Both types of accounts can place orders, but sub-accounts will be allowed to cancel only their own orders.

Sub-account highlights include:

  • Each master account is allowed to create up to 20 sub-accounts.
  • A master account is assigned the full management permissions over sub-account freezing/unfreezing, asset transfer and API management. Full control of sub-accounts: including resetting 2FA, removal of API keys, orders, and passwords, as well as the ability to freeze specific sub-accounts
  • No fee charges for assets transfer between master account and sub-account. Sub-accounts also enjoy the same fee level as their master account.
  • Deposit, withdrawal, and API order limits are the same for the master account and all sub-accounts.
The sub-account feature will be activated only when KYC verification is complete
More Info: CoinDCX