ChromaWay Expands Effort to Put Latin American Land Records on the Blockchain

Real world use cases generating real world revenue for the Chromaway project!

As I "disclose" in my blog header, I work in the blockchain industry. Chromaway (Chromia token, or CHR) is one of the projects I'm proud to work with! One of the things (among many) to love about Chromaway is that they are already being contracted by government agencies (and at least one bank), via what Chromia dubs "relational blockchains" ... the integration of blockchain technology with an existing database.

In their words :

"It is all about using our knowledge and experience of combining blockchain and traditional databases creating something that people actually can relate to, in an environment that people are familiar with and in a language that everyone can learn."

Altho this Yahoo story is one month old now, it was referenced on Twitter today, which made me think it's a good time to share here. Unlike so many projects which depend upon selling tokens to new investors (and therefore employ "paid shills" to pump them) ... AND unlike many projects whose hodlers live in fear of when "the team" is going to dump ... Chromia actually earns real revenue - over $850k this year - by providing partnership services and true value to the real world. 

As the headline reads:

ChromaWay Expands Effort to Put Latin American Land Records on the Blockchain

Some choice excerpts from the article :

"The project will utilize ChromaWay’s different open-source blockchain-related technologies, including a public platform for decentralized applications, Chromia, and its smart contract language, RELL..."

"Swedish startup ChromaWay is expanding a project aimed at making land ownership more transparent by putting records on a blockchain... The project focuses on smart contract-based conveyancing solutions and storing collected data on a blockchain...

“ChromaWay technologies have matured immensely since our initial work with property transactions in Sweden more than four years ago,” ChromaWay CEO Henrik Hjelte said in a press release."

Full article :

I also mentioned Chromaway's relationship with the banking industry.. As JessicaHODL writes on Twitter this week

"... $CHR is a 6 million mcap coin partnered with IADB, a bank that did and invested billions last year, and is literally using $chr for property titles and mortgage transactions. The most overlooked partnership ever.." 

So as said, I'm quite proud to be privileged to represent such a solid industry project, moving blockchain adoption forward and generating revenue by solving real world needs!

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