Cardano (ADA) Launches the First Testnet of the Alonzo Upgrade

The development team at Input Output HK (IOHK), has announced the launch of the first testnet of Cardano’s Alonzo upgrade that is geared towards introducing smart contracts to the blockchain. Codenamed Alonzo Blue, the testnet is the upgrade’s early alpha network that provides core Alonzo-node networking capability.

For this reason, Alonzo Blue will initially be available to a small group of SPOs (stake pool operators), partners of Cardano and Plutus pioneers. This early group is in the process of being set up to access the Alonzo Blue which will evolve in the next few months to include more users as more functionality is integrated into the testnet.

Alonzo Upgrade Will Introduce Smart Contracts on Cardano

When complete, the Alonzo upgrade will successfully integrate smart contract capabilities on the Cardano mainnet. This will ultimately lead to the evolution of Cardano and allow developers to create decentralized applications for , Gaming, NFTs and more.

The Alonzo upgrade is estimated to be complete by June or July followed by a four-week freeze on the code before the final launch. The freeze will provide a time window for wallets, exchanges and individual developers to upgrade their code in preparation for the final launch on the Cardano Mainnet. A concrete date and time will be provided by the team at IOHK in the days and weeks ahead.

Smart Contracts Are on the Horizon – Charles Hoskinson

A few hours ago, the founder of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, reiterated via Twitter that the project was on track towards implemented smart contracts. He also challenged Cardano’s internet trolls to a contest for the best ‘insult’ as seen in the tweet below.