Blockchain ticketing streamlines Lancashire Cricket Club sports events

Lancashire Cricket Club based in the UK has turned to a blockchain ticketing solution. The club has teamed up with TIXnGO, a Distributed LEDGER Technology (DLT) ticketing service provider. The deal will see seamless ticket distribution for all sports events.

The blockchain-powered platform will provide ticketing services on all their home and away matches. The partnership will facilitate ticketing for all fixtures across the globe and those taking place in their home turf throughout the year, this is according to Sunriseread.

Blockchain ticketing for increased transparency

By partnering with TIXnGO, the cricket club will ensure all their sporting events ticket sales are transparent. What’s more; on top of the transparency, the underlying technology ensures any single ticket sold can be easily traced.


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Ticked issued by TIXnGO are expected to be distinct and counterfeit-proof.  This will not only bring confidence back to the sport but will ensure the ticketing process is immutable. The provider, according to sources privy to the deal, will streamline ticket transfer and reselling.

Lancashire Cricket Club plans to put their ticketing process on the blockchain that has been in the pipeline. The move is envisioned to improve revenues through automation in a digital environment.

Blockchain ticketing idea is feedback supported

The idea of embracing blockchain is as a result of feedback that has been collected through the just concluded 2019 season. With well-articulated expertise, turning to the blockchain is the only solution not only to the club but the industry in sporting general.

While adding voice to the new development, the SecuTix managing director David Hornby added that blockchain will address the various weak points in ticketing. The initiative will offer the sports fanatics and stakeholders a safe and secure digital-based ticketing ecosystem.

Blockchain ticketing popularity on the rise

Many sports teams and organizations are turning to blockchain for solutions to problems that have been in the sector for decades. The technology is seen as a streamline catalyst in the sector. What’s more; the technology will also provide global visibility and grow brands and fan bases.

Since the Ethereum backed AlphaWallet and UEFA partnership to tokenize 20,000 VIP tickets for Euro 2020, more firms are building trust in DLTs.  The European Football association jumped in and on 17 February announced that it is using DLT powered mobile App in distributing more than a million tickets for its matches.

Tags: blockchain