Blockchain integration: Towards equitable education for people in developing countries

Blockchain integration is key to the success of any ecosystem. It is about the seamless functioning of several other systems, communication protocols, and technologies in real-time vis a vis each other. Big business and commercial projects are focused primarily on selling international standard equipment at international prices, as the bulk of their profits come from these sales but they are NOT integrated into the whole ecosystem.

Consider this:

Without an education, young people’s childhoods may be lost to child labour, child marriage, recruitment by armed groups or other life-threatening activities. A child who is out of school for more than a year is unlikely to return. Girls are 2.5 times more likely to drop out of school than boys.

If profit was the sole motivation for equipping countries with technology for education, up to 80% of students would be left without access to computing and mobile technology, as well as access to the internet.

On the other hand, if we are considering blockchain integration, this would be an ideal process flow:

UN’s sustainable goal #4

We need to take a more holistic approach, balancing economic aspirations with the advancement of equitable education for people in developing countries. Ambitious plans to create market share and establish a foothold in developing markets, if tempered with the great need to provide an educational ecosystem through blockchain integration, could yield the results needed to progress towards the UN’s sustainable goal #4:

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Developed countries, big businesses, and educational institutions have a responsibility to make the propagation of a high standard of education in developing countries a priority.

Dear Diary

I dropped my phone and the screen cracked, and Pitaji says we canceled our insurance because of COVID-19 and we can’t buy a new screen now until he gets work again.

So what do I do.? My school’s videos are now viewed through the shattered glass…it is very hard to learn like this


It is common to hear defense ministers and army chief declare, although technology and machinery can wins wars, the man and the training of the team behind the machine is the actual key component in ultimate victory.

Similarly, it is important to recognize that teachers, librarians, and the technical support staff needed to integrate education with the available technology are a vital component of ensuring the successful rollout of this potential.

A big step forward for education

The use of English over the web is a key factor in advancing this ideal. The vision of English Forward to tokenize the English language and encourage a further 20% of the world population to become proficient in English will result in the 50%+ of the information available on the internet becoming understandable and usable by another 1.6 Billion people. A big step forward for education.

Achieving this vision, along with a focus on rugged, low-cost equipment, systems, and data designed for sustainable use in the local environment is very important to serve rural learners. Blockchain technology can be a great advantage in lower costs, storing, and keeping student records and incentivizing learning.

Blockchain integration keeps pace with the economic and global landscape

Major projects in these areas can succeed only when a large number of teachers are trained and motivated to use the new technology where the goal is make them earn tokens for their contribution to the ecosystem. 

And what greater motivation than financial, creating a tangible way with a blockchain token economy for teachers to earn from teacher advanced studies and also benefit from trackable student results, all verifiable and recorded on a blockchain education system.

The potential of blockchain technology solving a number of problems in developing countries poses such a credible use case that it is hard to dismiss as something that is irrelevant for the current changing economic and global landscape. Could blockchain be the “short cut to” helping with so many still to achieve goals?

Photo credit: Karen Teacher Working Group

Tags: blockchain capitalblockchain in educationblockchain security