Blockchain coronavirus tracker app to decongest hospitals

A new blockchain coronavirus tracker App has been unveiled. The application detects symptoms and stores the data for purposes of education and preparing victims for treatment.

This is an open-source application that is web-based. Named CoronaTraker, it comes at a time when governments are fighting the pandemic. This makes it easy for victims to learn more about the virus and seek medical attention before they succumb.

The project has been made possible through collaboration between physicians and developers.  The App is running on the Blockstack blockchain.


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Baseline COVID-19 app to decentralize contact tracing

Coronavirus tracker App launch

The coronavirus tracker App launched on April 17 helps those infected to keep track of symptoms through an inbuilt health survey. It is a one-stop App that helps patients share data with health practitioners for ease of accessing treatment. What’s more, the tool has an education feature where users can get firsthand information about COVID-19.

CoronaTracker photo credit: CoronaTracker

Although it is still in the beta stage, it makes it easy for patients to have total control over their health data. Users are covered against private data theft at a time when people are panicking over the globe threatening disease.

One of the project organizers, Anthony Albertorio says the App’s superiority is based on ‘proof-of-concept’ that is ideal in protecting personal data breaches. It is also data interoperable and its privacy and security are backed up in silo systems.

Data sharing on coronavirus tracker App secure

The organizer says that decentralizing patient data makes it sharable without any risks. Data stored can be shared between doctors and the patients without fear of hacking since the system is immutable and records cannot b hacked.

Formally a tech evangelist at ConsenSys, Albertorio says that through decentralization, the vulnerable populations are assured that to get the best out of the app. There is no possibility of their data being sold to third parties.

He adds that;

The users are in control. We looked to Blockstack as an ideal platform on which to build CoronaTracker because it decentralizes user information into individual data silos, and because Blockstack’s motto is ‘can’t be evil,’ which extended our values of doing good to help people in this uncertain time.

Tags: blockchaincoronaviruscovid-19