Blockade Games Pushes Neon District Release to Mid-Summer to Focus on Development

Blockade Games, the developer behind the upcoming blockchain-based cyberpunk RPG Neon District, has officially delayed the game’s launch until this summer.

According to a recent letter to the community from Blockade CEO Marguerite deCourcelle, the decision to push the official launch stems from a need for further development to guarantee a fully refined end-product.

“After much consideration, and at the request of our development team, we are going to allow ourselves ample more time to complete the remaining critical pieces to ensure a successful public launch,” writes deCourcelle.

A combination of team member health issues and the goal to integrate new features, including a new battle system and 3D landscapes, ultimately drove the decision to push back the release date, despite most of the major aspects of the game already being completed.

“We have built our entire blockchain game infrastructure, including the transfer gateway, fulfilling the free-to-play and play-to-earn ethos within Neon District,” added deCourcelle. “All Season One playable characters and art assets are designed and are being integrated into the game. Our special effects and animation pipelines are nearly complete, and you’ll start seeing fully customized characters come alive over the next few builds. Our mission system and inventory are nearing completion as well. Lastly, our web portal is feature-complete and ready for mass-market use.”

Neon District isn’t the only cyberpunk-themed game to be delayed this year. Just the other day, Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most highly anticipated games of the year, had its planned April release date pushed back to September.

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According to CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077’s creator, the delay is due to additional development requirements to create a polished product, although rumors are circulating that the issue stemmed around the ability of consoles to run the game.

Those interested in signing up for Neon District to begin gearing up their characters can do so hereNeon District can also be added to your wishlist on Steam.

More: Blockade Games’ Announcement

Related: Blockade Games Releases Neon District’s Pre-Launch Storyline Book

Disclaimer: This article’s author has cryptocurrency holdings that can be tracked here. SludgeFeed has a partnership with Blockade Games to help drive forward the adoption of blockchain gaming. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. Always conduct your own due diligence before making investments.