Ajax soccer selects blockchain for ticketing

Today Swiss cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) platform SecuTix and its sister brand, the blockchain-based ticketing wallet TIXnGO announced their appointment as AFC Ajax’s ticketing technology partners.

SecuTix 360° is a ticketing engagement platform, will initially be used from now on with Ajax Women and Youth teams. The men’s team will start selling their tickets through the platform in 2021.

The Dutch football club started using TIXnGO this summer in a series of pilot events. At a game in September, ten thousand fans successfully received their tickets through TIXnGO. Launched in April 2019, TIXnGO is a mobile ticket wallet that uses blockchain technology to create encrypted and verifiable tickets for use on smartphones. This reduces the risks of counterfeits and simplifies ticket resales and transfers.

“This overhaul of our ticketing strategy will future proof our ticketing business, with endless possibilities for integrating ticketing and its data with our ambitions for the wider digital experience,” said Menno Geelen, AFC Ajax Commercial Director.

TIXnGO has already been used in the world of sports. This January, Lancashire County Cricket Club announced it’s using the blockchain app to secure mobile tickets for all 2020 domestic and international fixtures at its home ground, Emirates Old Trafford. The club successfully trialed the platform during the 2019 season.

Aside from sports, the platform used its ticketing expertise to tackle the COVID-19 crisis. In May 2020, TIXnGO launched Health n Go, a mobile health certificate app that helps identify immune individuals through digital certificates. Results of Health n Go trials, conducted alongside Swiss laboratory network Medisupport, and railway equipment manufacturer Mitisa, were recently completed with seemingly encouraging results.

Image Copyright: Cosmin Iftode / BigStock Photo