18 Ethereum Conference Attendees Got Coronavirus, Buterin Not On the List

Source: iStock/Ada Yokota

An important spreadsheet has been making its way through the Cryptoverse - that of an conference attendees who have tested positive for coronavirus - potentially as a warning to others.

Popular Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) took place from March 3 until March 5 this year in Paris, with some 600 people attending it, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and ConsenSys founder (also an Ethereum co-founder) Joe Lubin.

However, a list has been created and is being updated by ETH 2.0 researcher Justin Drake of attendees who have allegedly voluntarily provided the information of their Covid-19 test status. Three days ago when he just tweeted about this, Drake commented: "At least 7 EthCC attendees COVID-19 positive (see spreadsheet). Others sick and not tested," calling people to contribute with more information.

The List

The spreadsheet provides the following information at the moment:

  • 18 people who have attended EthCC have stated that they tested positive for Covid 19;
  • most of these have at the same time attended the EthCC Afterparty (9) and Gnosis event (7)
  • 1 of them has recovered;
  • all of their symptoms seems to have started between March 7-11, meaning 4-8 day after the first day of the conference;
  • 4 are isolated;
  • 11 have tested negative;
  • 7 reported pending test results;
  • 4 have requested a test be conducted;
  • 14 have been denied the test by the authorities.
COVID-19 at EthCC (Paris)

Meanwhile, as the reports of attendees getting sick keep rolling in, many people, such as ConsenSys Labs investor Min Teo, say that all who were present at the conference, regardless of symptoms, should self-quarantine, particularly in the cases such is the UK, where the National Health Service (NHS) will refuse to test, she claims.

A few days ago, Buterin tweeted that he has no symptoms and that he'll report should there be a change. Many others have not been so fortunate. Some who reported that they've been infected include a Gnosis staffer Marco Correia, ConsenSys' Business Development Lead Brianna Montgommery, analyst and Ethereum France co-founder Marc Zeller, German software engineer Afri Schoedon, author of the ERC-777 token standard Jacques Dafflon, and others.

As for those whose tests were denied, many across the globe are complaining that there aren't enough tests for everybody in their countries, so only some cases which the authorities deem should be tested are in fact tested. Pascal from the Netherlands said in the comments on the spreadsheet that the country "requires fever before testing, even having had contact with known cases." NHS, for example, advises people to stay at home if they have symptoms of coronavirus and that testing for such cases is not needed.


This list definitely serves as a warning, but of what kind? It can help those who have attended this specific event to realize they might've contracted the disease just by being there or being in any physical contact with an attendee, given how infectious this virus is. Additionally, it may also encourage the attendees of similar events to get tested or take additional precautions and pay more attention to any symptoms they may be experiencing.