10 truths I learnt from investing in crypto this year

1) The crypto space oscillates and evolves fast with numerous opportunities and possibilities. Be careful not to be overwhelmed and lose yourself in the process.

2) Align your passion and your forte so that you feel your authentic personality is being accentuated - which will spur you on to get more crypto. For me, I love writing and am good at getting crypto for minimal effort, so I feel energised to get crypto every day. Even if it means waking up at the godforsaken hour of 5 am to write an article.

3) Reading user experiences is the most fun way to do my due diligence and research. Being decentralised, crypto is really a globalised space, and it's amazing how the same platform can yield drastically different experiences for people living in different countries.

4) There are many ways to earn crypto and while some ways are more profitable than others, don't let yourself be racked by indecision. Just take the first step.

5) Set up routines and practices as soon as you can so that you can internalise these good habits. My life now comprises an ecosystem of crypto platforms, in which various things I do are connected to crypto-earning opportunities. Case in point: BRAVE Broswer (https://brave.com/) and CryptoTab Browser (https://cryptotabbrowser.com/30572004) are BOTH running in the background as I type this furiously.

6) A successful referral is a successful referral. One SHIB token from an airdrop makes me as happy as a $50 worth referral bonus from Hodlnaut - because they both suggest that someone out there wants to support me.

7) Ask the right question and you will be flooded with answers from helpful people. Just the other day, I asked about how to avoid a hefty transaction fee if I were to withdraw my ETH from Kucoin. Several posters immediately came to my rescue and advised me to convert ETH to USDT and then transfer this USDT on the TRC-20 chain to FTX. Then pay this kindness forward.

8) The crypto market loves to throw in some nasty surprises every once in a while. Just as I cannot control my toddler's tantrums, I cannot exactly pre-empt these market crashes. But what I can do is not to let my emotions run amok. Stay calm and try to smile. 

9) Suspend your skepticism and try everything once. You never know whether this new thing will turn out to be a natural fit for your personality, risk appetite and lifestyle.

10) Have fun in the process. It's not always about how much crypto you get at the end of each day. It's the friendships you build, the knowledge you accumulate and the confidence you wield as you delight in being you.

What are some truths you learnt from your crypto adventures and mishaps this year? :)