Solar-Powered Bitcoin Mining Building Revealed

The Bitcoin Building is the name of a recently opened residential building that houses Bitcoin mining equipment as part of its operations.

Canadian Ray Blanchard is responsible for this project. The building is located in downtown Windsor, Ontario, Canada. According to local media reports, Blanchard's original motivation was not bitcoin mining, but energy self-sufficiency.

The building uses electricity from 180 solar panels installed on the roof. Realizing that it would generate roughly twice as much power as the building's occupants could use, Blanchard decided to incorporate bitcoin mining hardware into the building's operation. In addition to generating Bitcoin (BTC), another task for the Bitcoin Building mining team is to heat the water inside the building. As for where Bitcoin is headed from residential hardware, nothing is known yet.

Although the opening took place on November 1, the building is still being adjusted. Eight of the 13 apartments that make it up are already habitable. They are still awaiting electrical and fire inspections. However, they estimate that the Bitcoin building will receive its first tenants in mid-November.

Regarding residence, Blanchard clarified that it has nothing to do with permanent residence. Residents of the mining complex can stay in their apartments for a maximum of 1 to 180 days. Monthly rent ranges from $3,000 to $5,000 and can be paid in Bitcoin.

According to the founder, this is the first of 50 bitcoin mining buildings that he plans to build around the world. However, he has not provided information on some of the branches listed below.