Monero mining malware has entered the top 3 global threats

Cryptocurrency hidden mining programs, along with ransomware, are leading in popularity among attackers in 2020. This is evidenced by a study by Check Point.

In the first place in terms of prevalence is the Agent Tesla Trojan, which is used to steal Wi-Fi passwords and obtain credentials from Outlook.

According to Check Point, this malware has attacked 3% of organizations worldwide.

In second place is the XMRig program for hidden mining of the Monero cryptocurrency and the Phorpiex botnet - 2% of the total number of companies became their victims.

Previously, to monetize Phorpiex, also known as Trik, its creators distributed ransomware and used infected devices to mine cryptocurrency.

Now the botnet is extorting money, threatening access to personal pictures and videos from users' webcams.

In fourth place was the Trojan Dridex. Back in 2016, experts reported on its ability to scan an infected system for cryptocurrency wallets.

Recall that in April 2020, cybersecurity experts discovered a network of bots for Monero hidden mining). Since May 2019, at least 35 thousand devices have infected malware.

At the same time, Russian companies are twice as likely to be victims of hidden miners than foreign ones.