Free Google Server to mine Monero – Google Colabs Mining

Do you want to take a first peak into the Crypto mining world without having to invest any money? 

Today I show you a little trick to use Google Colabs server to mine Monero (XMR) for you. This is not intent to make any "real money", currently I get about €0,20 each day doing this. But it will give you a good overview over the tools and accounts you need to do Crypto mining.


Here is what you need:

  • A Google Account
  • Miner Pool (e.g. Minergate)


1:  First thing you will need is a XMR Miner Pool, I use Minergate in this Example but you are free to use whatever pool you like.

To see some examples have a look at


2: Open Google Colabs

3: Click the Connect button on the top, to connect to one of Googles server

4: Insert the following script and execute it (change 33esw3hxt3kxtcn to your Mingergate UserID or your Email)


!tar -zxf xmrig-5.5.1-xenial-x64.tar.gz

cd xmrig-5.5.1

!./xmrig -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u 33esw3hxt3kxtcn -p x


5: You need to keep the browser tab open, if you want you can repeat this steps and see worker count increase at Minergate

Warning: You can get disconnected to the server from google and even get your account suspended for google colabs.