China on the hunt for Crypto miners - we're hitting the soft spot now

"BEIJING, April 29 (Reuters) - The Chinese capital city of Beijing is conducting a check on data centres involved in cryptocurrency mining to better understand their impact on energy consumption, according to sources and a document seen by Reuters."

Bill Maher recently aired a ridiculous piece on his show in which he tried to ditch the Crypto movement. If you ask me, it was a disgusting fart of miss-information probably paid by the shadow lords who are not at all interested in seeing the average Joe obtaining any sort of financial freedom. I also see it as a confirmation of the true gift Satoshi Nakamoto left us, and that now we have in our hands a weapon we can point back at those who have nothing but the desire to keep us in chains. I say this because it was everything but an objective piece. It presented nothing but a list of pretend negatives caused by the Crypto rush we are witnessing these days, and it revolved around arguments that have been debunked ages ago. 

One of said arguments, and perhaps the most incidental one, was the environmental harm Crypto mining causes to the planet due to the elevated consumption of electricity, which in his words was higher than the energy supply needed to power the entire state of New York. I'm not going to really address Bill's idiotic stance any further, or even try to understand his reasons behind the piece as it's a waste of time to take it, or him, seriously. I will also not provide a link to the segment because the last thing I want to do after witnessing this is to help promote a puppet with no sense of ethics or moral conscience. You can easily search for it on Youtube, if you are curious.

But there's something here, as at the same time Bill airs his masterpiece other events are unfolding throughout the world worth noticing and if we try to work this as a puzzle, we can perhaps reach some conclusions that will help us better understand the true power of Crypto and why we should be absolutely bullish on the movement that's being created. Turkey's attempt to completely ban Crypto, the timing on Biden's raise on capital gains, Korea's utmost disturbing rethorics of accusations towards millennials for being so invested on Bitcoin and altcoins, are just examples. Now, there's an attempt from Chinese officials to try and use environmental concerns for finding reasons to shut down Crypto miners while at the same time issuing it's own cryptocurrency. China of all countries advocating environmental concerns, lol. Yeah, right.

If you open the link provided above you'll notice it mentions "Edward Lu, senior vice president of Canaan Inc, a Chinese maker of cryptocurrency mining machines, said it increasingly serves clients in places such as Canada, northern Europe and central Asia, which have cheap and abundant electricity and clear and predictable regulations." So don't get alarmed over this siege. Miners will just move elsewhere and it actually benefits what we are all advocating, decentralisation. China currently holds a concentration of too many miners, after all. 

But be aware, we've got the attention of the big boys and their eyes are onto what we are doing. There are powers at play that DO NOT want this to succeed and they will do their thing to try and shut us down. Last week's bear run was not an accident, it was a ripple effect caused by a few key factors that coincidently saw major whales dumping Bitcoin at steady coordinated efforts. They were meant to scare the weak of mind from investing and trying to learn about Crypto, by highlighting a volatility that's not so different from the one of stock exchanges after all, but because they don't want to see the average Joe believing in obtaining financial freedom. 

What they don't realise is they'd have to return us back to the dark ages and completely shut down the internet for this to fail and they've neglected it for long enough for Crypto to become a serious issue they'll have to start dealing with very soon. We are unstoppable now, and the only way we can fuck this up is by fucking it up ourselves, which is something they probably have hopes it happens. I mean, we've done it before with social media, right? Therefore, more than ever we need to educate ourselves, and share knowledge in a constructive way while helping each other out. 

Personally, I've found it really helped my learning process through this steep learning curve Crypto represents to freeze my accounts on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as an example. I've tuned into Reddit, this place, and I've now discovered We are building an awesome movement, but it's important to be aware of the true power behind Satoshi Nakamoto's gift. Did you ever wonder why he never revealed his identity or why his wallet remains untouched with something in between 750,000 to 1,000,000 Bitcoins inside of it? His reasons were ideological. That's why.

My only request is that you use the awesome tool this site and others provide which allows to tip others for free while at the same time making a personal gain wisely. Promote the content you find helpful for your learning process and don't just spam click tips for nothing but profit. I am all for your financial freedom, but please be aware this is about much more than that and you only have things to win by understanding and researching as much as you can. Use your tipping wisely and promote those who are working to help others, instead of just spam tipping for merely your own personal gain. Please. And sorry for the long text.


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