Abkhazia Strategies to Criminalize Crypto Mining as Energy Crisis...

Apr 3, 2021 13:12 UTC

Apr 3, 2021 at 13:12 UTC


Crypto mining in Abkhazia is quite a hot potato for the de facto state government, which is now strongminded to criminalize such activities. Incessant massive power disturbances, in parallel, are fueling the annoyance of the people to crypto miners.

Public Officials to Face Better Consequences

Rendering to a report available by E Daily, the Abkhazian government exposed that it is due to current a suggestion to fine miners & also file criminal charges in contradiction of them.

The plan is to usual fines up to $8K, which is a considerable amount of money, as it is the same yearly average income per individual in the de facto South Caucasus state, equal to 20 least national wages.

But such punishments are the lowermost ones careful in the proposal.

In detail, the government pursues to hit back with even more important penalties against public servants who are fixed in crypto mining activities, as well as companies consecutively rigs, with up to 5K minimum national wages.

Though, the report detailed the punishments that might face people, public officials, or businesses for ‘repeated offenses’ in respects to crypto mining activities:

For recurrent committing of an administrative offense shall involve the burden of an administrative fine on individual entrepreneurs, legal entities & citizens in the amount of 50 minimum wages for each kilowatt of power of the gear linked to power grids for loud out activities for the extraction of cryptocurrencies, with the seizure of said equipment, on officials – in the amount of 5K minimum wages.

Anybody who efforts to connect mining rigs on power networks to a large-scale farm in Abkhazia could face a jail time of 1 to 3 years, together with the grabbing of the equipment.

Government Lengthy Over Its ‘Temporary Ban’ on Crypto Mining

The government also available a decree which lengthy its “temporary ban” on crypto mining pending, at minimum, March 31, 2022. As Bitcoin.com News reported in Oct. 2020, Abkhazia raised its two-year ban on cryptocurrency mining.

The ban came into result in Dec. 2018 after a surge in mining activity left the area facing an energy crisis. But the newest news hypothetical a turnaround in the previous year’s ban lifting.

Furthermore, in Dec.2020, the burnout of a power substation motivated a huge blackout across the de facto South Caucasus state. The state occurred amid the snub of crypto miners to slow down their processes in the state.
