Premium Hardware Wallet KeepKey Partners with The Vanbex Group

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Vancouver, CAN ­ Among the various digital currency hardware wallets to emerge last year, the Washington­based company KeepKey sticks out for its elegance, simplicity, and security. The device and software, in the form of Chrome extension, remove the nuances of securing a wallet and can be setup in minutes.

The KeepKey software takes control of the management of private key generation, private key storage, and transaction signing. A 12 word recovery sentence gives you access to your money if your device is lost or stolen. To top it all off, private keys made on the KeepKey device never leave the unit, reducing the possibility of theft.

Users verify each and every transaction using the large display built into each KeepKey hardware wallet. Only one button was designed to limit operation controls, making it versatile, quick and simple.

The Vanbex Group, a leading Bitcoin 2.0 marketing and consulting firm, has partnered with KeepKey to build brand awareness and showcase the premium product to consumers everywhere.

For more information on KeepKey please visit: w? For information on The Vanbex Group visit: w?

About KeepKey

KeepKey, a?leading provider of bitcoin storage security, is a private vault for your digital currencies.?A?USB device that stores and secures your bitcoin, litecoin, namecoin, dash, dogecoin & testnet. Available for purchase on and

Media Contact:

Kevin Hobbs