NFT Market Will Get its First Novel Release

Novels are now following music, and artworks in being released as NFTs. The first novel that is being released in this format is called the Mermaid Eclipse.

This is a book within a series that renowned author N.E. Carlisle writes. The auction on the NFT is going on right now through the Mintable webpage and app.  

The NFT itself contains a manuscript of the book and a signed copy of the artwork. At the time of writing, there have been no bids on the ongoing auction. The starting bid for the NFT has been set at $56,526. 

More NFT Books On The Way

The actual Mermaid Eclipse book is already available through regular retailers and audiobook formats. A fact that could affect the selling price for its NFT. However, the second book in the series Blue Moon Mermaid is released first as an NFT before hitting the shelves at regular retailers. Its NFT release will have to take place before its December 2021 hardcopy release date.

It’s important to point out that this is the first actual mainstream novel that is being published in NFT format. Audiobooks and other types of publications have been made available as NFTs before. What we are seeing with Mermaid Eclipse is the first release of a novel that is not necessarily a self-published book or publication in general.

Mintable Looking To Innovate

Mintable is branded as a marketplace that allows users to create and sell NFTs. The platform aims to be user-friendly to allow people to upload their items and have the platform convert a PDF, JPEG, or other types of files into an NFT that lives in the Ethereum Blockchain. Mintable also allows users to host auctions such as the one that is taking place for the book. 

The platform made headlines at the start of the month when American business owner Mark Cuban invested in the company. Cuban himself put 5 NFTs on auction on the platform when his investment was announced. The NFTs were titled “MavsSunsGameDayExperience.” One of the 5 NFTs went for 4.45 ETH.   


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