How to Choose a Crypto Exchange And Three Most Popular Crypto Exchanges

A cryptocurrency exchange enables one to exchange conventional money for

cryptocurrency or one cryptocurrency for another.

It should be pointed out right away that commissions charged by crypto exchanges are very high compared to those in the traditional markets. Usually, there are two rates: one for “market takers”, and another for “market makers”.

What is a “taker”? It is someone who removes liquidity from the market, for example, by

hitting the market with a “market” order, that is, an order that is executed at the best

price. The commission for the “takers” is twice higher.

A “maker” is one who places an order and thus brings additional liquidity. Because that

is advantageous to the exchange, a “maker” is encouraged by being charged a lower

commission. Most exchanges charge “takers” at a rate of 0.2–0.25%, and “makers” at rate of 0.1–0.15%.

Few people understand that these are very high numbers. When

making a “loop” (sell-buy), you lose 0.4–0.5% of the sum of the trade. For example, if

you sell-buy a bitcoin ($4,800) on a market order, you immediately give away $24 to the


Hence, rules:

1. Enter only with limit orders if you don’t want to lose all your money.

2. Make trades as infrequently as possible.

Now, for exchanges:

Bitfinex  is the top exchange. It has a convenient

service, low commissions, no failures, and an intelligible application for a phone.

The basic commissions are 0.2% for a “taker”, and 0.1% for a “maker”, which is

very competitive. Moreover, if you exceed a certain volume, the commissions get

better for you. Financing and margin trading through a market mechanism which

has a table of orders for the best conditions. Excellent tradingview charts. Not a

lot of pairs are traded, and only the basic ones. NEO has been added recently.

The exchange is located in the USA.

2. Kraken  , An European exchange which we personally

liked at first for its decent interface, but which later made a totally contrary

impression for outrageous failures and the impossibility to place an order.

The exchange has its own trading application, called CryptoWatch, which is run in a

separate window. The commissions have a multi-level structure; the basic levels

are 0.16% for a “taker”, and 0.26% for a “maker”.

Provide credit on their own, up to 1:5, for which they charge 0.01% for 4 hours,

that is, 0.06% per day. This is about three times more expensive than for other

exchanges with a normal state of liquidity.

Only the basic pairs are traded. The price of bitcoin at Kraken is almost always at least 100 dollars higher than at Bitfinex.

3. Poloniex  or “polo”. An American platform. The interface is not as convenient as at Bitfinex, but quite acceptable. Margin trading through an open table of orders, for which

the exchange gets its commission of 15%. “Maker” fee 0.15%, “taker” fee ?0.25%.

Further levels depend on the traded volume over the past 30 days.

Very many crypto assets are traded, considerably more than on the first two platforms. The trading procedure is not very convenient but quite tolerable if you enter once a

month to make a buy.

There were rumor about that because of the sanctions, the platform had blocked

money withdrawal for a Russian startup, but later the exchange released a denial. Only crypto assets, with no fiat, are traded on the exchange.

The dollar is substituted for by the token Tether USD, not a very reliable one, in our view.

These trading platforms we consider the most reliable among the centralized

exchanges, and it is them we use for trading.

Author: this article was written by Georgiy Verbitsky, Portfolio strategic Advisor ,

featured image via telefonica