Complete Guide: How to create a vps server for creating node for presearch

In case you don't know what PRESEARCH is let me give you a quick overlook. Presearch is a decentralized search engine that allows its users to get rewarded while they are surfing the internet. And  you can create a node for Presearch and get rewards in case you don't know what is it how to set it  up no worries just go to the link below it will redirect you to a blog post that briefly describes how you can set up the node.


I am assuming that you have read the blog mentioned above and will give you a took over view of what we are getting covered in this post .Basically for running anode you need a server that will run 24/7  as it not possible to run in local host or our local computer in simple terms you need to get a server or a cloud computer to start the node . These cloud computers are also known as VPS(Virtual Private Server) or RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol). Sp in this post i am gonna guide you on how to get a VPS running for free from DigitalOcean.


You need the following requirements to get a VPS server:

  • Any browser (Recommended Chrome)
  • A credit card or Paypal account

Note: if you are going to use a paypal account you will be charged 5$ to prevent the platform from any loss but it will be used in future payments i.e if you create a free account following my steps you will get 100$ credit to try it out and if you use Paypal to activate it you will be charged 5$ but you will get 105$ credit in your Digital ocean wallet

How much does the vps cost

There are several plans but the basic plan will be the best for you in the baisc plan you have 6 types for vps but i recommend you to get the 2nd one which costs around 10$ per month but according to your budgets you can get any vps you want . The least price vps price is 5$ per month. Below image contains all the vps types and their informations :

Standard Configuration:

  • $5 mo. or $.007 per hour: 1) 1 GB/1 CPU. 2) 25 GB SSD Disk. 3) 1000 GB Transfer.
  • $80 mo. or $.119 hour: 1) 16 GB/ 6 CPU’s. 2) 320 GB SSD Disk. 3) 6 TB Transfer.

Performance Configuration:

  • $240 mo. or $.357 hour: 1) 32 GB/8 CPU’s. 2) 100 GB SSD Disk. 3) 6 TB Transfer.
  • $1200 mo. or $1.786 hour: 1) 160 GB/ 40 CPU’s. 2) 500 GB SSD Disk. 3) 9 TB Transfer.

Create An account

  • Go to  this link and register an account
  • After registering an account it will be asked you to either add an credit card or integrate your paypal account choose among them and continue to payment . Note : if you use credit card you will be charged a amount but it will be refunded in few business days.
  • Thats it you have got a Dgital ocean account created now follow next steps to create a vps

Create a VPS step by step guide with picture:

  • After you have created an account you will get a create a new droplet button click on that
  • Choose a server type i recommend to use unbuntu 18.04
  • Choose the server specs and pricing 5$ per month droplet will be best for your needs
  • Choose a server location . Typically the location closest to your actual location is best for you
  • Give your server a logical hostname and click Create. This will begin the setup process for your server. It should only take 5–10 mins to process and build it up

  • Now wait upto 15 minutes then follow next steps

Last step how to start the vps

It is the last and the most complicated step so follow my steps attentively and  i will only guide you on how to start the vps in windows

STEP1 - Download Putty a software to run linux vps in windows from here

STEP2 - Open Putty and enter in the server IP address(you can get it from digital ocean also it will be mailed  you) and click Open. Click Yes to the Security Alert pop up.

STEP4 - ENTER username as root and in passowrd field input the password mailed you and press enter. If you did all steps correctly you must have successfully started your vps Hooray!

Now you can follow the stepsto run node and start earning rewards also note that never share you vps details to anyone ..

Thanks you for reading this article.