BSV Overtakes Bitcoin Cash

For the first time ever, a chain-split coin has overtaken the original in both price and market cap this Tuesday.

BSV more than doubled yesterday in just a few hours and it has risen 4x since the beginning of the year, from less than $100 to an all time high of more than $450.

BSV goes nuts, Jan 2020

At one point BSV was just $2 billion from overtaking XRP with the so called Bitcoin SatoshiVision leaving Bitcoin Cash in the dust.

The latter tried to keep up and even held its ground for some time, but the BSV rise was just too much.

BSV overtakes BCH, Jan 2020

The two are now closer in price and market cap than when BSV hit $450, but the question is whether either will be able to keep up their gains or whether this was more just impatient little bulls exhausting themselves too fast.

Time will tell but some excitement was apparently caused by a certain alleged fraudster, Craig Wright, triumphantly claiming he will bring the private key by courier.

The problem is the private key is to unencrypt a file which contains the public addresses known to belong to Satoshi Nakamoto.

That’s because the not-claiming he is Nakamoto is fraudulently trying to prove he is and since he’s not, the next best thing is obviously a block explorer but in static pdf? files.

We’d like to think there aren’t many moneyed gullible people that fall for the above theatre, so it is instead probably just excitement over the halving.

That’s 84 days away for BSV and 82 days away for BCH, making them both very close together and so making the story BCH v BSV.

That’s until bitcoin comes in with its halvening in 112 days. Then the eth 2.0 genesis block should go out in maybe June or July. So there’s a lot happening this 2020.


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