Bobby Lee: Bitcoin Could Reach $100,000 After the Next Bubble

Bobby Lee, the founder of the crypto wallet Ballet and ex-CEO of BTCC, predicted that bitcoin’s price is on track to reach $100,000 in the next few years.

Lee, who is the brother of Litecoin creator Charlie Lee, expects the price of bitcoin to increase five or ten times over its previous high, after undergoing another bubble such as the crypto recession of 2018. 

Speaking in an interview at the Malta AIBC Summit, Lee promoted the launch of his new crypto wallet Ballet. Compared to other hardware, Ballet is being marketed as a simple and user-friendly wallet for newcomers to the industry of cryptocurrency. Lee called the digital format of bitcoin and altcoins an obstacle to adoption, which is why ballet is launching as a physical non-electric wallet with application integration. 

When asked about his recommendation for new investors in cryptoassets, Lee explained that he was a bitcoin “maximalist,” and recommended all of his friends and family to invest 1-2% of net assets in  BTC. 

Lee also predicted that bitcoin’s market cap was a fraction of its trillion-dollar potential, and would rise exponentially following its next bubble, 

Bitcoin’s price goes in waves. Every so-called bubble, every FOMO run, it could go up by ten or twenty times the previous high. So the next one could easily top $100,000 or even $200,000 per bitcoin…So I definitely think it will go up quite a bit in the next five to ten years.

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