Bitcoin Technical Analysis 02-06-21

Technical Analysis

Bitcoins opens at $38K and goes up to around $41K and stable around $37K ~ $38K. The average transaction fee is $15.34 which is 8.36% decrease from 02-05-21. I think Bitcoin tries to recover around $40K but it gets harder and harder. However, if Bitcoin stays around $38K and it may go to $45K!

I remain my floor price to $33K indicates the strong support and remain the ceiling price at $36K.

Bitcoin volatility is moving slower in yesterday. The market has reacted peak value at $41K again but sell off instantly which means the Bitcoin yet has not confident to surpass $41K.

Bitcoin decreases its correlation for Gold and Dollar that it becomes a offense position ??. The price may fluctuate less in the coming day with price toward mid-level. There may have some risks in the coming day.

Bitcoin Value =  $33k ~ $36k and my position is Long.

Here are some highlights to support my analysis:

Here is the road map for today:


Most Bullish News ??

Up raise against Nigeria banning Bitcoin

It indicates that Bitcoin gains more attraction toward international.

Most Bearish News ??

Lack of liquidity of Bitcoin as ownership is highly concentrated

It indicates that Bitcoin valuation may lack due to in-liquidity.


Here are summary of general forecast of this week of economy and market:


Also, if you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know!

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!


You can reference my previous Bitcoin analysis here:

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-07-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-08-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-09-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-10-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-11-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-12-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-13-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-14-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-15-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-16-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-17-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-18-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-19-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-20-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-21-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-22-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-23-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-24-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-25-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-26-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-27-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-28-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-29-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-30-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 01-31-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 02-01-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 02-02-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 02-03-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 02-04-21??

Bitcoin Technical Analysis 02-05-21??

You can reference my Bitcoin methodology here and here.


You can reference my previous Ethereum analysis here:

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-07-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-08-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-09-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-10-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-11-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-12-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-13-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-14-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-15-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-16-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-17-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-18-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-19-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-20-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-21-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-22-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-23-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-24-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-25-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-26-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-27-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-28-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-29-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-30-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 01-31-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 02-01-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 02-02-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 02-03-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 02-04-21??

Ethereum Technical Analysis 02-05-21??


You can reference my previous Dogecoin analysis here:

Doge Analysis 12-28-21??

Doge Analysis 01-01-21??

Doge Analysis 01-02-21??

Doge Analysis 01-11-21??

Doge Analysis 01-28-21??

Doge Analysis 02-04-21??


You can reference my previous Cryptomarket forecast analysis here:

Crytomarket Weekly Overview and Forecast 01-15-21 to 01-22-21????

Crytomarket Weekly Overview and Forecast 01-22-21 to 01-29-21????

Crytomarket Weekly Overview and Forecast 01-29-21 to 02-05-21????


Risk forecast guideline:

Risk Averse means you can use Ethereum as defense ???

Risk Seeking means you can use Ethereum as offense ??

Risk Neutral means no decision made and continue seeking opportunities ???


Disclosure: I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose cryptocurrencies are mentioned in this article. This information is only for educational purposes.