Bitcoin Nears $8,000 as America Unveils 52 Stealth Fighter Jets

Bitcoin jumped by another $500 to briefly cross $8,000 before settling at circa $7,850 at the time of writing.

This price increase now makes it a 15% jump for the currency since the killing of the Iranian general.

Bitcoin rises, Jan 2020

The jump was on rising trading volumes as can be seen above, with bitcoin maintaining the gains for now.

That’s while America unveiled some 52 F-35A Lightning IIs for a planned exercise in Utah, USA.

“We are now at full warfighting capability,” the 388th Fighter Wing said on Twitter. “The exercise, which was planned for months, demonstrated their ability to employ a large force of F-35As,” they added.

That’s while US sends six B-52s to the region with the above exercise in Utah to last for a week.

Iran’s response has been to designate all US forces as “terrorists,” a move that logically suggests US and Iran are now pretty much at war technically, just not a hot one.

This designation, however, is probably more because they might be thinking of killing some US commander in the region in what they would call proportional retaliation.

Israel is “standing on the sidelines and observing events,” according to Israel’s energy minister Yuval Steinitz.

While Mohsen Rezayee, Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council and a former IRGC commander said: “If the US takes any action after our military response, we will level Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground.”

Merkel is to meet Putin on Thursday. The Saudi defense minister has met the US counterpart. Malaysia is backing Iran, while European ministers meet in Brussels. In a surprise visit, Putin went to Damascus today.

Whether Merkel will tell Putin to stay out of it if it comes to war, or whether they will have a Trump bashing party instead, is not clear.

For Europe, the concern would be refugees. So if there is war, it would be in Germany’s interest for it to be as orderly as possible. They’d rather it doesn’t get to war, but there’s some dangerous rhetoric coming from Iran.

“The Americans should know that until now 13 revenge scenarios have been discussed in the council and even if there is consensus on the weakest scenario carrying it out can be a historic nightmare for the Americans,” Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, said.

43% of Americans approve of the General’s killing, 38% disapprove according to a new poll .

Iran says they’re not in a rush to act, but the situation is tense in the region, with US boosting troop numbers there at a time when US and Iran stand on the brink of war.

That means figuring out what is info and what is disinfo isn’t easy. Just as it isn’t easy to know whether hawks are hiding as doves, or vice versa.

“If the American people re-elect Trump to the US presidency, this would mean they support his crimes,” said Jawad Al Telbawi, a commander and spokesman for a faction within the PMF. “This may change our position towards the American people. All American interests in the region will be at risk.”

To hardliners in US, the ideology of the theocracy spread to wahabi fundamentalists who then attacked US shores at the opening of the millennium.

To people like John Bolton, Iran is an inspiration to groups like ISIS who tried to have their own Iranian like theocracy, but with suni flavors.

To Saudis, Iran is an existential threat because some suni foundamentalists tried to impose an Iranian style theocracy in Saudi Arabia in the late 70s with the seizure of the Grand Mosque, Islam’s holiest site.

To Israel, Iran has called for whipping them out, but since the nuclear deal Israel-Iran tensions have calmed a bit, with the real tension being Saudi-Iran and now Trump-Khomeni.

“On 2 January 2016, 47 people were put to death in several Saudi cities, including prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr. Protesters of the executions responded by demonstrating in Iran’s capital, Tehran. That same day a few protesters would eventually ransack the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and later set it ablaze…

In the wake of the June 2017 Tehran attacks committed by ISIL militants, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps issued a statement blaming Saudi Arabia, while Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said there was no evidence that Saudis were involved.”

Those tensions then step by step escalated in 2019, culminating in the striking of the Saudi oil field. Then for some reason, Iranian backed militia killed an American contractor according to US, then stormed the US embassy.

Trump then escalated it fully, but one step below outright war. Yet Iran says it was an act of war and the two are now pretty much at war as they’ve declared each other militaries to be terrorists, but it’s a somewhat cold war for now.

Plenty in US and Iran would like it to remain cold, yet there are the Boltons and their equivalents in Iran, with the decision now that of Khomeni and Trump on whether peace or war.


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