Authorities finish off Darknet Marketplace Sipulimarket, seize of...

Dec 14, 2020 13:50 UTC

| Updated:

Dec 14, 2020 at 13:50 UTC


By Clark

A major darknet marketplace, Sipulimarket, has been finish off and its assets, together with bitcoin, were taken over by Finnish Customs, in cooperation with European Law Enforcement Organisation and therefore the Polish police.

Darknet Marketplace finish off, Bitcoin taken over

Europol and Finnish Customs (Tulli) proclaimed last week that they “have finish off the Sipulimarket dark internet marketplace and taken over all its content.” The operation was in shut cooperation with the Polish Provincial police station in city (Komenda Wojewodzka Policji we have a tendency to Wroclawiu), Europol’s European crime Centre (EC3), and Eurojust.

Tulli’s announcement explains:

Finnish Customs has taken over the net server and contents of the Silpulimarket trade website in its completeness … Finnish Customs has conjointly meted out a bitcoin seizure.

The website currently displays a “This domain has been seized” message that reads: “This hidden service has been closed by the Finnish Customs in conjunction with the crime Department of Provincial police station in city with the support of European Law Enforcement Organisation and Eurojust for aggregate narcotics offenses.”

The authority represented that the Sipulimarket webserver was operational within the Tor network since 2019. The marketplace sold “Significant amounts of narcotics and different illicit merchandise,” the announcement adds, noting that Sipulimarket was the sole actual Finnish-language trade {site|website|web website} mercantilism narcotics within the Tor network when the trade site Silkkitie (Valhalla) was closed down by Finnish Customs within the spring of 2019.

The amount of bitcoin taken over wasn’t disclosed. The announcement concludes: “The preliminary investigation of the case remains current. At this stage, Finnish Customs and therefore the international cooperation partners won’t offer any longer data on the matter.”


Head of the technology.


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