Abc of elven land - part 1

Today we start a series of posts for which everyone was waiting so eagerly. Yes, it is time to announce the complete list of coins in the Elven ecosystem. These lists will be updated, perfected, and refreshed regularly, so we recommend that you keep this page in your list of bookmarks never to miss any updates ever.


Names of all these tokens, i.e., the terminology of Elven Land, comes from the international artificial language Esperanto. As Esperanto is derived from English, the total number of coins in Elven Land has been fixed to be 26, equal to the number of Alphabets in English. Another interesting point to note is that each token has its name starting with different alphabets, hence the title of this blog: ABC of Elven Land. The length of each word is five characters long to keep it easy to spell and remember.


So, let's get this show on the road descending from A to Z with brief pieces of information:


A – AMIKO – It will be used as a reward token in Elven Land. It can be earned by taking part in activities like cataloguing etc.

B – BRILA – The official symbolic coin of Fairy Brila of the Elven Land, the fairy of success. Fairy Brila's activity is closely connected to a secret currency with a name starting with the letter "P."

C – CRYST – is an Elven Land cryptocurrency that can be mined. There are magical mines that are home to these fascinating Crystals of Positivity.

D – DANKO – It is an exciting coin and an appealing project in its essence. This platform will use geo-targeting tools to will find all those freelance specialists you need. Not only professionals like plumbers and hairdressers, but you can also find someone ready to carry out another legal assignment or just accompany you to some party. The payments to these freelancers would be made using the DANKO coin.