Tesla: Full Self-Driving Beta Rolling Out to Some Owners Next Week

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said that its new “Full Self-Driving Beta” update will be reaching some customers by next week. This beta will be accessible only by those deemed to be “expert and careful drivers”, the CEO added.

Back in August, Musk explained how and why this feature is significant for Tesla automobiles. He said that this would allow Autopilot to render its surroundings in 4D rather than 2D which will consequently help bring newer features to the platform quicker while also improving the performance significantly.

However, Musk had also said at the time that a limited public release would occur in 6-10 weeks. But as that period passed, he said that the new features would be making its way to the vehicles in the form of a private beta update in 2 to 4 weeks. Now, the CEO has confirmed that the Limited FSD beta will be reaching the selected customers by next week (Tuesday).

It is worth noting that Tesla hasn’t announced when these features will be more widely available, though reports suggest that the commercial release of this update will occur in December this year. FSD or Full Self-Driving can allow vehicles to be driven autonomously, though it is required for the driver to have their hand on the wheel at all times.

This is precisely the reason why the beta is only sent to a select few drivers out there. The company didn’t mention how the recipients of the update were chosen.

Tesla has clearly left its competition behind when it comes to automation and other facets of the automobile industry. The company managed to perform decently this year despite the pandemic almost shutting down most of the auto industry.

Source: Twitter

Via: Electrek

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