Neuralink And Digital Flexing


You might have heard about Neuralink by now, some people do seem to oppose it but like smartphones it might become a necessity in the coming future. People with chips in their minds will be able to talk with other person telepathically, without having the need to move or even move a lip. The question arises here, Why would people want to install chips in their minds?   Lets consider an example of 3 friends sitting in a cafe, 2 of them have Neuralink chips installed in their brains and they are communicating with each other telepathically, in this scenario the 3rd friend will feel left out of conversation and will eventually get a chip into his mind. 

Moreover, these chips will be helpful to the blind people as they won't need eyes to control their smartphone, they can do it through their mind, or even have an artificial eye installed which will communicate with the chip and make an image of the object in the brain.  People might not even need spectacles to see, as they will be able to zoom-in and zoom-out through artificial eyes and Neuralink. We might able to see through walls by infrared lights in out eyes. Controlling machines will be so easy that you could sit in your house and control your car through your mind to drop your kids off at school.


For such high speed communication to happen, we will also be needing a very high Internet connections which will transfer thoughts telepathically in nanoseconds, that is the reason so much efforts are being made to bring 5g technology in world as soon as possible.  

 Digital Flexing ?


 So far up till now we have seen people flexing through expensive cars, latest iPhones etc.  Now in the near future we will see people flexing through Neuralink and NFT,  But What is Digital Flexing And Why Would People Do It?   Let me explain it in simple terms, 

  • Have you Ever Played Fortnite or games similar to it? 
  • Have you bought Skins for characters within games?
  • If YES, then for whom did you bought them for?

    Obviously we bought them so that we will look cool in-front of our friends, just so we could flex in-front of them. It has already been started.

 Facebook is bringing its Virtual Reality so strong that it will accept currency made by Facebook itself called Libra. People will have their own houses, businesses and Family in that VR.  People might come into the real world only for vacations and then go back to their virtual life. So  the upcoming future hold many exciting and yet scary innovations for human kind, we'll might end up looking like people we have seen in movies where people are sleeping in a Hibernation chamber and food is delivered to them through capsules. 

So its exciting, highly innovating, scary and awesome all at the same time, but the main point is technology is not bad or good, what matters is how we use it, our use makes it good or bad and I'm really looking forward for these technologies to become more advance. 

What do you guys think?