Looking to boost your hiring potential? Give these online courses a shot

TLDR: Lifetime access to all the Excel with Business courses opens dozens of skills training opportunities at your own pace for only $98.99.

Understanding how a piece of software works is obviously important to getting the most out of that software. But understanding why it works and what it accomplishes toward your task is probably even more critical.

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That was the thinking of the partners who founded Excel with Business, who started teaching an Excel training course in 2009 that focused on how the spreadsheet software applied in the business world rather than its specific functionality. 

The approach worked — and now, the philosophy has ballooned to nearly 50 courses. You can get in on all their training courses with Excel with Business lifetime all-course access for thousands off the regular price, just $98.99 from TNW Deals.

The curriculum is expansive, including 48 courses covering everything from those bedrock Microsoft apps to subjects like business, technology, leisure and more. Since you’ve got access to everything, plus all the time you need, you can pick and choose which skills you’d like to learn or improve, then tackle that training at your own pace.

Courses consist of more than 2,000 bite-sized learning modules, helping students keep the process manageable and focused without the sprawl and confusion of broader learning channels. The courses also feature hundreds of video tutorials to bring the training to life while making instructors and their training more relatable. 

Excel with Business’ filtering technology also makes sure you aren’t wasting time with duplicate or unnecessary coursework, reducing your training time by up to 30 percent.

All of these Excel with Business courses come with a certification upon completion and almost all are CPD-compliant, so they can be used toward a host of professional accreditations and other training requirements in your given industry.

Lifetime access to all of Excel with Business courses is a $3,232 value, available now at over 90 percent off, just $98.99 while this offer lasts.

Prices are subject to change.

Excel with Business: Lifetime All-Course Access – $98.99

Get all the training for $98.99