LignoSat2: World's first wooden satellite set for launch in the summer of 2024

Imagine a satellite constructed of wood rather than metal. This innovative concept is on the brink of becoming a reality, with scientists aiming to launch the world's first wooden satellite later this summer.

Dubbed LignoSat2, this wooden satellite is expected to be launched by NASA and Japan's space agency JAXA in 2024.

Kyoto University scientists achieved a significant milestone by successfully testing wood samples at the International Space Station (ISS).

The testing at the space station

The journey began in April 2020 with the launch of the LignoStella Space Wood Project to ISS,  which aimed to examine the endurance of three wood kinds in space: Erman's birch, Japanese cherry, and magnolia bovate.

These wood samples were subjected to space environment testing for more than 290 days onboard the orbiting station. 

The wood samples were returned to Earth and underwent an initial examination, which included strength testing and analyses of elemental composition and crystal structure.

Magnolia wood, known as Hoonoki in Japanese, emerged as the top choice due to its exceptional properties. This wood is expected to be used for the development of LignoSat2.

As per the Kyoto University press release, the tests “confirmed the high wood durability of space wood.” 

“The team decided on Magnolia's relatively high workability, dimensional stability, and overall strength,” it added. 

Examining the material under outer space conditions is vital due to the extremely harsh environment, marked by significant temperature fluctuations, exposure to intense cosmic rays, and energetic solar particles. 

Even after ten months under these harsh conditions, the wood samples showed no breakdown or deformation, such as cracking, warping, peeling, or surface damage.

“The experiment results showed minimal deterioration and good stability of the samples selected for the wooden artificial satellite LignoSat2,” mentioned the release.

Why a wooden satellite? 

The successful launch and demonstration of an eco-friendly satellite would be a significant step toward addressing the escalating problem of space pollution. 

An artificial wooden satellite, like LignoSat, can potentially mitigate the production of minuscule, detrimental aluminum particles. 

When traditional satellites re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, they burn, releasing tiny alumina particles that linger in the upper atmosphere for prolonged periods.

Furthermore, projections indicate that the annual launch of metal-based satellites will exceed 2,000 in the coming years. Overall, the excessive buildup of metal fragments may constitute a long-term hazard to the Earth's ecology.

To solve the issue, Kyoto researchers set out to evaluate eco-friendly materials as viable replacements for metals. 

Lignosat wooden satellite for greener space.

They started a project to examine several types of wood's capacity to withstand the challenges of space launches and lengthy durations in orbit around the Earth. 

The initial phase involved conducting tests within laboratories in conditions similar to those found in space.

Interestingly, the wood samples subjected to these tests exhibited no discernible changes in mass, and there were no observable signs of decomposition or damage. 

After these extensive trials, the wood samples were sent to the ISS. 

“Ahead of the 2024 planned launch of a wooden artificial satellite, the research group is investigating the fundamental mechanism of nano-level material degradation. Their findings may lead to robust and high-functioning wood materials for new applications,” mentioned the developers in the press statement.

Reportedly, the satellite will be equipped with various experiments to assess its performance during its orbital mission. Additional information regarding the launch date, mission duration, and specific instruments has not been disclosed as of yet.

Kyoto University researchers have collaborated with the logging company Sumitomo Forestry to develop this maiden wood-based satellite. 

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