I won’t harm humans, AI robot writes The Guardian op-ed. Should Bitcoin speak too?

A recent op-ed in The Guardian newspaper written by an AI robot – yes, artificial intelligence – is generating quite a lot of hype. OpenAI’s latest GPT-3 language generator has published an opinion piece in UK’s famous newspaper The Guardian where it debunks every myth associated with artificial intelligence.

It says, “Artificial intelligence will not destroy humans. Believe me.” Those are some reassuring words coming from an entity that’s been portrayed as villainous in numerous sci-fi movies.

Convinced or not? GPT-3 AI robot doesn’t care

The much-hyped piece published by OpenAI’s GPT-3 robot seems to portray the peaceful nature of machines. Famous figures like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have warned against the fast-paced development of AI. Many movie storylines revolve around anti-human apocalyptic AI robots. Instead, the opinion piece only paints a rosy picture.


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Source: The Guardian

Even though these words are reassuring, these all seem philosophical too. There won’t be any ‘robocalypse’ anytime soon. However, all’s what it seems to be. Many readers and AI-experts have questioned the manner in which The Guardian processed the op-ed.

GPT-3 op-ed isn’t entirely robotic

The op-ed contains the quintessential ‘editor note’ which explains the process behind the piece. It states a human wrote the introduction for the op-ed. Then, GPT-3 AI robot was commanded to expand it to a 500-word opinion piece as per the introduction in a simple language. AI created eight unique essays in response to the introduction.

Subsequently, the best lines from each of these essays were taken and arranged to create the final op-ed. So, the piece is not entirely written by an advanced AI robot. Still, such a positive response from a machine is encouraging and does debunk myths to some extent.

What it means for Bitcoin

At times, societies have been are apprehensive about disruptive technology. In its hay days, Bitcoin was not taken seriously by the conventional financial community. The first few years were full of struggle involving volatile price movements, disorderly community events, and chaos in general.

Still, many governments and authorities view crypto with doubt. Strict, sometimes unfair, policies are enacted to prevent the crypto industry’s growth. Hopefully, Bitcoin will write an article someday describing its potential to bring forth positive changes in the human society. Till then, we will have to do with the rosy GPT-3 op-ed.