[WATCH] We Have Been Accepting Bitcoin for Payment Since 2015, Says...

BitKE caught up with SeedBalls Kenya, an environmentally-friendly family-owned business that has been accepting bitcoin for payment for the past 6 years in Kenya.

The interview features Teddy Kinyajui, the Co-Founder of CooksWell and SeedBalls Kenya, initiatives that are spearheading green initiatives through their eco-friendly products like jikos and tree re-planting.


SEE ALSO: Accepting Bitcoin for Payment in Kampala, Uganda – A Chat with Mark Karamira, CEO, Spe Taxi Cab


According to Teddy Kinyajui, Co-Founder, SeedBalls Kenya:

We have been accepting bitcoin for payment since 2015, mostly for our larger ovens. It flowed really because we already use credit cards and MPESA.

Switch to a platform like bitcoin to do the exact same thing is not a stretch at all. For people in the diaspora, it is also more affordable than using Western Union and stuff.

The convenience and simplicity of it, for us is similar to how MPESA works for small businesses.”

                   – Co-Founder, SeedBalls Kenya


About SeedBalls Kenya

Seedballs Kenya has pioneered a method of mass producing seedballs for low cost and efficient re-introduction of trees and grass species into degraded areas in Africa.

Learn more about SeedBalls Kenya here.


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