US Spy Chief Reportedly Worried About China’s Crypto Dominance

Anthonia Isichei, author from the CryptoPotato portal in her new article says that *The U.S. Director of National Intelligence, John Radcliffe, has reportedly expressed concerns about China’s strong focus on cryptocurrency*.

After that, she said:

With China making significant strides in crypto and blockchain development, the US Intelligence apparatus is reportedly worried about the US falling far behind its current economic rival. From crypto mining to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), there is a popular narrative that Beijing controls vast swaths of the emerging digital economic landscape. A dismissal of the value proposition of digital assets has seen the US seemingly far behind the curve in terms of crypto innovation.

Then, she covered *Crypto Arms Race: The Next Theater in the Sino-American Trade Tussle* and *Regulators Need to Balance Consumer Protection and Innovation Concerns* topics where is many important and interesting information.

So, if you are interested in this topic, you can go *HERE* and read the full article.

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