UAE steps up against COVID-19 with blockchain

UAE is stepping its efforts in its fierce and prolonged battle against COVID-19 by leveraging technologies like blockchain, robotics, and 3D printing with the help of a UAE-based tech startup in5.

While some countries are easing the COVID-19 imposed lockdown restrictions, UAE is still unable to flatten the curve. As of yesterday, the region reported 941 new cases of coronavirus, which is one of the highest overnight figures seen so far. 

The fight to restrain it continues. Technology startups and enterprises in the region are pulling up their socks and leveraging emerging technologies like blockchain, robotics, AI, and 3D print to ensure that no case goes undetected to trigger a community outbreak.

UAE to use blockchain, robotics and 3D printing in fight against COVID-19

A report published on Wednesday states that Liber Health, supported by the tech startup in5, uses three futuristic technologies, blockchain, robotics, and 3D print to develop a unique touchless biometrics identification system for the UAE patients.

It will use the blockchain technology to identify patient data, without relying on conventional fingerprint processes that seem much riskier in such times, and track whether the person has been in contact with a COVID-19 suspect. This way, the hospital officials would be able to enforce quarantine or self-isolation measures as quickly as possible.

Syed Abrar Ahmed, Liber Health CEO, explained while justifying the need to create this platform that the hospital data often lacks auditable information. Besides, a lot of information is stored and managed manually, which means that there could be manual errors too. Thus, using blockchain potential, we are ensuring it is free of miscalculation or oversight, he explained.

Liber Health further plans to extend its innovation to public and private sector organizations and assist them in integrating this technology to track possible COVID-19 suspects and bring the infection rate eventually.

UAE doing its best to flatten the curve

Meanwhile, apart from blockchain, robotics and 3D printing technologies are also being used to safeguard lives and support the fight against the virus. In5 is using 3D printing to design protection gears for the medical staff in UAE, while robotics will be used to fascinate young minds and help keep their focus on technology while isolating at home.

Majed Al Suwaidi, managing director of Dubai Media City and in5, said in the announcement that Dubai is a hotbed for innovation and growth, and we acquire a highly professional and talented workforce to maintain this standard. 

We have the backing from some of the intellectual elites who are thriving to design products around the technologies of tomorrow, like blockchain, robotics, AI, and 3D that help save lives.  While others are constantly engaged in raising the awareness and knowledge we need to win this fight, he affirmed.

Featured Image by Flickr

Tags: blockchainblockchain and AIcovid-19roboticsuae