The strong need of crypto in Lebanon

Last year I wrote an article about the problems we are facing with the banks in Lebanon, and again today I want to write about other problems they are making just to steal our left over money because they already stole everything...

My country Lebanon is in an economical crisis since 2 years, and since then we are having more and more problems with the banks, we are becoming like Venezuela and we are having the same problems and all of this is because of corruption and bad politics.

I went today to the bank to get the rest of my salary which they didn't give me last week because they decided to give only a part and this part is not enough for a week because of hyperinflation and Im not allowed to take more but after one week. Anyway I took it like everyone and went home angry as usual and said to myself ok next week ill come back and take the rest. So today after the week has passed, I went to the ATM as usual and I couldn't take them, and the bank's door is closed so I saw an employee from the back door, I went to him and asked, are you putting money in the ATM or is there something wrong? he said you cannot take your salary in Lebanese Lira, you have to take it in dollars!!!

I was like what!!!

But my salary is in Lebanese Lira and I want it in Lebanese Lira, he said no you have to take it in dollars.

Can you imagine a country forcing his employees to take their salaries in another country's currency!!??

Is this even legit!!??

The employee said come back tomorrow, we open from 8 to 12 and take them in dollars for the rate of 21,200 then I have to go to the black market to exchange them for the rate of 20,700 or maybe less or more depending on the fluctuations because if is not even controlled, but mostly it will be less and this way my country steal from all of us the remaining of our money which was already stolen.

Can you imagine a country forcing his citizens to encourage the black market rather than to destroy it???

And the people having accounts in dollars are not allowed to take their dollars because the banks say there is no dollars and we give you your money in Lebanese Lira for the rate of 8000!!!

This is insane!!

The devil cannot think of these stealing methods but our thieves can!

I said and I still say that cryptocurrency will save our lives because our country wants to kill us all by starving and humiliating us but we are clever people and we will adopt cryptocurrency little by little to pass through this crisis, and Im glad I got into this beautiful world two years ago and I will stay in it forever and I discovered a big number of Lebanese people in the crypto world too but unfortunately the shops still don't accept them but hopefully they will.

Well, welcome to Lebanon or to Hell there is no difference.

I will go tomorrow and will tell you what will happen...

Thank you for reading ??

*This is my original article. 

*Pictures are from google and

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