SocGen Securities Services launches digital asset funds service

Societe General Securities Services (SGSS) will support its asset management clients that want to offer cryptocurrency based funds. The services provided include acting as digital asset fund custodian, as well managing liabilities.

One of the first clients is the French asset manager Arquant Capital that has just launched two euro based products based on Bitcoin and Ether derivatives with SGSS taking on the role of fund depositary.

“This solution provides Arquant Capital with an innovative structuring that allows us to scale our offering and focus on creating value for our clients,” said Eron Angjele, CEO of Arquant Capital.

Societe Generale’s main claim to fame in the digital assets sector is through its SocGen FORGE subsidiary that is one of the leading European innovators in the security token sector with its CAST framework. For example, its platform was used last year for the €100 million European Investment Bank bond issuance on the Ethereum blockchain. The FORGE subsidiary recently announced a deal with METACO for digital asset custody

BNP Paribas Securities Services also recently selected METACO and Fireblocks as technology partners for its digital asset custody services.

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